9 Ways To Cause Anxiety

Did you know that disorganization can cause stress and anxiety? If you don’t leave all things in the last drop, the course of your day will remain calmer.
9 Ways That Cause Anxiety

It is normal for your life to include worries and sorrows, especially if you are an adult and your responsibilities and duties increase year by year. However, it is good to keep in mind that some certain habits that are unnoticed by many cause anxiety and stress, and of course you should avoid them and try to change in a healthier direction.

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel anxious, explore yourself and change these habits in your life:

1. The need for control

work causes anxiety

If you’re one of those people who thinks that “if I don’t do it myself, it’s not going to be done properly,” it’s time to change your attitude.

No matter how you would like to take responsibility for every aspect of your life (work, family, and relationships), it’s impossible for one person — at least impossible while maintaining your own mental health.

  • Learn to delegate, trust, and direct things from the sidelines so that they go the way you expect but with the help of the people around you. This will greatly ease your own burden.

2. The need to please others

If you’re trying to make everyone around you happy, it’s really power consuming and exhausting.

The only thing you achieve by trying to please everyone is that you make yourself dissatisfied by setting the priorities and needs of others before your own.

You need to prioritize your own needs over the needs of others, this is how you help both yourself and the people around you. It is not selfish.

3. Too little rest

the woman is not allowed to sleep

If you sleep less than the adult recommended 7-8 hours each night, you will spend your day in a bad mood, tired and anxious.

  • It is important that in addition to an adequate number of hours, you maintain routines in maintaining your sleep rhythms.
  • Make yourself a schedule to ensure you get enough sleep, especially on weekday evenings. Make it a habit to turn off all electronic devices before going to bed. 

4. Caffeine dependence

It is true that coffee has many properties that are beneficial to the body. But if you enjoy it too much, coffee can become harmful side effects for you.

  • If you drink 4-6 cups of coffee a day, it can cause caffeine addiction. This in turn can cause anxiety, nervousness, irritability and insomnia.

5. Excessive alcohol

alcohol consumption

While many people seek some sort of refuge from alcohol in difficult times, such as when they feel sad or overwhelmed at home or at work, alcohol actually categorizes the disgusting spiral – excessive alcohol use only leads to increased stress and anxiety.

  • Drinking alcohol is not recommended when you feel sad or otherwise unbalanced. It can only make you feel worse.

Also, consider this: Remember what the hangover that comes with drinking too much alcohol really feels like, or all the nasty situations you’ve been involved with while under the influence of alcohol.

6. Irregularity

Lack of order and rush in life cause anxiety and stress. That’s why it’s a good idea to schedule the next day’s hurry the night before.

  • Don’t torture yourself wondering if you can or will have time to handle something from your other hustle and bustle. Every day has its own surprises and changes.
  • However, try to make a sensible list of things you need to take care of , and follow them to start implementing them in order throughout the day.

7. Not eating breakfast

healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you should never miss it. You need to start your morning with plenty of energy because low energy levels are the main cause of depression, stress and anxiety.

8. A sedentary lifestyle

Lack of exercise can increase anxiety and mental problems.

  • Start with a light exercise routine, and increase your resistance over days and weeks.

Exercising helps you produce more endorphins (the so-called happiness hormone ), which makes you feel better and is also good for your health.

9. Excessive sugar

sugary foods cause anxiety

When ingested in moderation, sugar does not harm your health, but if you ingest too much sugar, you will see its negative effects on both your physical and mental health.

  • When you eat processed sugars, you promote the release of serotonin. Serotonin is one of those hormones that makes you feel good.
  • However, if you constantly eat sugary foods, your body will become dependent on sugar, and the feeling of well-being caused by serotonin will fade time and time again. This is how your body learns to demand more and more sugary products.

By continuing this way, you will somewhere develop a severe sugar addiction that can pose even serious health risks to your body. These problems include e.g. overweight and high blood pressure.

All of these everyday habits for many people cause anxiety and stress. Try to get rid of them little by little, and you will surely notice the difference in your condition!

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