Allowed Foods In A Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates. Want to know what foods are allowed in a ketogenic diet? Keep reading.
Allowed foods in a ketogenic diet

People interested in a ketogenic diet want to know what foods are allowed in a ketogenic diet. This diet has become popular in recent years because of its potential health benefits.

A ketogenic diet helps to lose weight and is also helpful in reducing epileptic seizures in patients who are not responding to the medication. Researchers are, in fact, looking into whether it could also be a cure for diabetes.

This diet is based on a very simple principle: limiting carbohydrates. Because it lacks a whole food group, it is not suitable for all people. Those who are able to adapt to that diet will notice favorable changes in the composition of their body in a short period of time.

Allowed foods in a ketogenic diet

Thus, a ketogenic diet is a diet model that does not allow carbohydrates. To avoid mistakes, a person following this diet needs to know what foods he is allowed to eat on a regular basis. Below you will find the permitted foods in the ketogenic diet.

The term “keto” is an abbreviation for the ketogenic diet, which has recently become popular.

Foods of animal origin

The keto diet, which is another name for this diet, allows all foods of animal origin. Meat, fish and eggs are protein-rich foods that form the basis of the keto diet pyramid.

Ensuring protein intake is important to avoid muscle catabolism, which prevents sarcopenia in the medium to long term. Research evidence suggests that protein should be consumed in excess of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, which is the minimum set by the World Health Organization.

Attention should also be paid to the way food is prepared. It is best to always cook food on the grill, oven or by cooking. Avoid baking as it will bring with you carbohydrates.

Foods should also not be deep-fried to prevent the formation of toxic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, which , according to a study published in Scientific Reports , may increase the risk of cancer.

Allowed foods are:

  • White meat
  • Red meat
  • Light fish
  • Fatty fish
  • Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products

Allowed foods in a ketogenic diet: vegetables

Most vegetables are low in carbohydrates, which is why they can be eaten in a ketogenic diet. However, tubers should not be eaten too much. When we talk about vegetables, we also mean green leafy vegetables.

Fruits, on the other hand, should be avoided, or at least not eaten in large quantities, as the fructose they contain may interrupt the ketosis process. Ketosis is the metabolic basis of the keto diet: it produces energy from non-traditional sources.

Proponents of such a diet argue that fructose may increase the risk of liver disease, which recent studies also seem to support. Similarly, eating legumes should be restricted:  they contain sugars that can interfere with fatty acid metabolism.

The vegetables you can include in a ketogenic diet are as follows:

  • Cross-flowered vegetables
  • Celery
  • Lettuce
  • Beans
  • Onion
  • Zucchini
  • Paprika
  • Avocado

Baking these foods should be avoided as with meat. They should be grilled or steamed. If they are cooked in water, the broth should not be thrown away so that water-soluble vitamins are not wasted.

Allowed foods in a ketogenic diet: fatty foods

A ketogenic diet should also include fatty foods on a regular basis. They provide Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for the body to function.

Among other things, omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to regulate the inflammatory state of the body. Thus, regular intake of these nutrients helps reduce cardiovascular risk, according to a  study published in the American Family Physician  .

By fatty foods we basically mean the following products:

  • Vegetable oils
  • Fatty fruits (avocado)
  • Nuts

These foods should always be eaten unprocessed so that their nutritional value is not impaired or lost. Namely, exposure of lipids to high temperatures increases the formation of trans fats, which according to the scientific literature have harmful inflammatory abilities in the body.

Permitted drinks in a ketogenic diet

In a ketogenic diet, it is also important to pay attention to permitted beverages. Water is always the best option  and should be drunk as is. Sometimes you can also choose carbonated water.

Both coffee and tea are permitted beverages. However, it is important not to add sugar or artificial sweeteners to avoid straining the pancreas. Drinks may contain milk.

A ketogenic diet allows for small amounts of alcohol every now and then. However, experts are not in favor of this approach, as alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect on health in other ways.

Fish and vegetables are allowed foods in a ketogenic diet
The keto menu can include fish and vegetables.

An example of a menu that includes allowed foods in a ketogenic diet

Here is an example of a menu that includes foods allowed by the ketogenic diet. You can get ideas for making your own dishes from it.


  • About 250 g of kefir with seeds and nuts
  • 2 fried eggs and about 60 grams of raspberries


  • Oven-fried chicken with broccoli and peppers
  • Grilled salmon with asparagus and avocado


  • Yogurt with flax seeds and pineapple pieces
  • Turkey-cheese rolls


  • Fried sea bass and green salad
  • Roast pork chop with avocado and cauliflower

Include a variety of foods in your ketogenic diet

As you can see, you get to develop a varied ketogenic diet within the allowed food groups. If you have any questions, consult a nutritionist. You will receive precise and individualized instructions from an expert.

Remember that a ketogenic diet is not for everyone. Some are unable to adhere to it or suffer from diseases that impair their overall health, making them unable to follow strict diets.

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