22 Foods That Prevent Cancer

Many of the available plants, herbs and foods prevent cancer in a natural way. A balanced diet not only allows us to stay healthy, but it also helps us reduce our risk of developing many serious illnesses.

Experts estimate that up to more than 50% of cancers can be avoided by maintaining a healthy diet. According to experts from the National Cancer Institute of the United States of America, at least one of the three different types of cancer could be prevented with the right diet.

Which foods prevent cancer

Olive oil

Olive oil has the ability to prevent colon cancer and rectal cancer. This oil improves blood circulation and tissue oxidation, protects arteries and maintains their elasticity. In addition, it helps reduce bad cholesterol, controls blood pressure and lowers blood sugar significantly.


prevent cancer

Water is an invaluable liquid. Even if it does not contain a food that would provide some style of nutrient or vitamin, without water no living thing can survive because water helps us cleanse our bodies of toxins.

It is very important to keep all our body functions properly hydrated for our body to function properly. This is why it is essential for our health to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Garlic and onion

Both garlic and onions contain allicin, a combination high in sulfur that helps the liver eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the blood.


Algae is cleansing and contains a suitable amount of countless vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, algae helps to strengthen the immune system, so its intake is recommended to prevent side effects that occur after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Citrus fruits

Oranges prevent cancer

As we all know, citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, they are a combination of flavonoids that are vascular protectors, which in turn helps maintain permeable and oxidized membranes.

Leaf greens

Leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress and radish are foods that cannot be left out of our daily diets because their structure helps us strengthen our defenses and eliminate free radicals while providing protection for our cells.


Strawberries are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Their effective cleansing effects help cleanse our bodies of toxins.


Berries, cranberries, blueberries and currants contain a lot of pigments called anthocyanins, which create their purple, red or blue color and are very effective antioxidants.

In addition, berries are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as minerals, pectins and plant acids. Recently, several studies have been conducted on the effects that berries may have in the prevention of leukemia.


nuts prevent cancer

Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds are a great source of vitamins E and B. They contain minerals such as magnesium, selenium and zinc. In addition, they provide a significant amount of antioxidants in our diet.


Lentils, garbanzo beans, peas and green beans are really effective foods to fight cancer. They have an extreme amount of fiber, which protects us from colon cancer.


Apples contain chlorogenic and ellagic acids, which help prevent the onset of cancer. This has been demonstrated through animal experiments. Apples contain pectin and fiber, which helps eliminate toxins through our feces.


Melon is rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants. In addition, it is very low in calories, which is why it helps prevent tumors associated with obesity.


Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to heart health and the health of our arteries. In addition, fish is recommended as adjunctive therapy for people with cancer.

Peppers and peppers

Peppers prevent cancer

The vibrant colors of green, red and yellow peppers have bequeathed their health benefits. They contain a huge amount of beta-carotene, which together with vitamin C is a very effective antioxidant that protects our mucous membranes.

Another compound that peppers have is capsaicin. This clogs the carcinogens that can be found in both meat and smoked fish.


Beets and their red-purple color contain an effective cell regenerator called betaine.

Green tea

This product contains polyphenols, which completely eliminates the effects of nitrosamines. Green tea has powerful antioxidants and helps protect us from environmental radiation.


tomatoes prevent cancer

In addition, it is an effective protector against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain some ingredients in its peel and its seeds that can help in the fight against cancer.


Grapes, eaten intact with their skins and seeds, contain an effective antioxidant called resveratrol, which blocks carcinogens and prevents some tumors from growing.


The properties of yogurt prevent cancer

Yogurt contains a beneficial bacterium that allows our intestinal flora to regenerate, which in turn prevents toxic products from affecting our digestive process. It is especially useful in preventing colon cancer. However, it is thought to have benefits for all types of tumors.


Carrots prevent cancer

The orange color of carrots is due to its high content of beta-carotene, which is a powerful and highly valued antioxidant. The use of carrots is especially recommended for smokers or people who have smoked in the past because of its awesome ability to regenerate airway cells.

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