Herb: Use And Side Effects

Ruin herb is a complementary treatment for superficial wounds and joint diseases. When should its use be avoided? What are the side effects? Read on to find out!
Herb: use and side effects

The herb ( Symphytum officinale ) is a perennial plant that has been used for many medicinal purposes throughout history. The herb belongs to the boraginaceae family and grows as a shrub in European, Asian and North American countries.

People have generally used the roots and leaves of the plant in traditional medicine. Rubble herb is used to treat muscle sprains, bruises and superficial wounds. What evidence is there for the plant to work? Continue reading to learn more.

General uses of rubble herb

First, it is important to be aware that herb is a plant and should be used with due care. Although its medicinal properties are supported by some studies, studies also warn of  toxic substances, such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids, that can be harmful to health.

In fact, many countries have banned the sale of oral herbal preparations, so it should be completely avoided if swallowed. It should only be used externally and only in carefully considered cases.

Back pain

Researchers have not shown that herb root alone is effective against back pain. However, an article in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that  creams containing the root of rubbish herb helped relieve upper and lower back pain.

In particular, it appears that applying this product to the affected area for five days reduces the feeling of pain and tension. However, further studies are needed to confirm these effects.

Rubble herb helps with back pain.
Rubble herb can help relieve back pain if combined with externally applied creams.


Preliminary research results show that external use of herbal ointments can improve mobility as well as reduce the pain caused by sprains. Its two-week use effects have been compared with the use of diclofenac gel.


 A study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that external application of rubble herb helped with symptoms of kneecap. More specifically, the cream combined:

  • Herb extract
  • Tannic acid
  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Incense oil

People who used this treatment three times a day for 6 to 12 weeks  noticed a  greater reduction in stiffness and pain than people who used placebo.

Side effects of rubble

Due to the toxic ingredients found in the herb, it is not recommended to be taken orally. Studies such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids have been shown to cause liver damage, lung problems and cancer.

Although its external use is considered safe by experts to a small extent, some studies have claimed that the toxic constituents of rubble can be absorbed through the skin. For this reason,  its use is not recommended for open wounds. Also, do not use it in large quantities or for more than six weeks.

It is currently considered completely inappropriate:

  • For pregnant or lactating women.
  • For the treatment of burns or serious injuries.
  • For the treatment of liver diseases.
  • For treatments using acetaminophen, amiodarone, fluconazole and itraconazole, among others.
Rubble herb should not be used during pregnancy.

What is safe dosing?

There are numerous basic dosages that can be considered safe when using herb and which are consistent with the study we mentioned above. However, it is always important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, pharmacist or doctor. 

  • If you suffer from back pain, you can use 4 g of ointment containing 35% rubble. Apply it three times a day for five weeks.
  • For sprains, it is enough to use 2 g of a cream containing 35% rubble. Apply it four times a day for eight days.
  • As a supplement to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis, you can use 2 g of an ointment containing 35% herb. Apply it three times a day for three weeks. You can also use 3.5 g of ointment containing herb extract, tannic acid, aloe Vera gel, eucalyptus oil and incense oil. You can apply this latter cream three times a day for up to 12 weeks.

If you get an overdose of herbs, see a doctor immediately. It is also important to talk to your doctor in advance if you suffer from any illness and want to use herbal products.

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