How To Get Healthy, Thick Hair

If you want healthy and thick hair, nourish it both internally and externally. This eliminates any factors that could weaken them.
This will give you healthy, thick hair

Would you like your own thick hair too? It is normal for hair to become brittle and become lifeless over time after all processing, products and styling equipment. However, it can be affected. Read the tips in our article of the day on how to get that bushy hair back too!

How can I get healthy and thick hair again?

1. Strengthen your hair

Don’t waste any more time with brittle and lifeless hair. Something can still be done for them, unless they are allowed to die completely.

First, we recommend changing the hair products you use. It is best to look for products that rebuild the hair follicle. They help hair grow stronger from the roots.

  • Some of the best remedies are made from arginine. Arginine is a compound that is ideal for strengthening hair.
how to get bushy hair

2. Nourish your hair

Hair loss is not just due to external factors. Also, some internal factors, such as hereditary factors or hormones, can make hair more lifeless over time.

This is helped by e.g. a good diet from which the body gets the nutrients it needs to grow hair and keep it vibrant.

If you want beautiful and thick hair, your diet should include the following nutrients:

  • Iron and copper. For example, eat spinach, nuts, seafood, wheat pasta, oats, eggs, basil, avocados, strawberries, figs, and sugar-free chocolate. They help keep your hair looking great.
  • B vitamins. For example, tuna, natural yogurt, potatoes, kale, brewer’s yeast and turkey breast prevent hair from falling out and graying.
  • Zinc. This nutrient is found in seeds, wheat germ, watermelon and dark chocolate.

Other nutrients and foods that are good for hair include vitamin E, dairy products rich in vitamin B5, and Omega-3, which is high especially in cold-water fish.

Home treatments for thick hair

healthy and thick hair

Home treatments are always worthwhile if they can be used correctly. The advantage of these treatments is that the ingredients that come with them are easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Here are some of the best home treatments to make lifeless and brittle hair shiny and thick.

1. Sand

Due to its high collagen content, gelatin is one of the best ingredients for strengthening hair. It gives them fullness and thickness.


  • 2 tablespoons unflavoured gelatin powder
  • 250 ml of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 4 drops of essential rosemary oil

Manufacture and use

  • Put all ingredients in hot water except gelatin. When they have dissolved, add the gelatin and wait until the mixture is of the correct composition.
  • Moisten your hair with warm water, apply this mixture to them and cover your head with a shower cap.
  • After half an hour, rinse your hair with plenty of water.
  • The treatment can be used twice a week to increase the abundance of hair.

2. Mask of mayonnaise, aloe vera and tomato

with a hair mask thick hair back


  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • Fruit flesh of a ripe tomato

Manufacture and use

  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix with a fork into a smooth and relatively thick cream.
  • Moisten your hair, apply this mixture on it and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse your hair with plenty of water and use your usual conditioner.

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