Cleanse The Body With Papaya And Pineapple

If you are planning to start a cleansing treatment, read our article on cleansing and you will definitely like it!
Cleanse the body with papaya and pineapple

There are often many nasty things happening to our bodies that we could very well have prevented from happening with our own actions and a little care. Today we tell you how to start a pineapple-papaya cleansing course, cleanse your body of waste products with it!

This time we focus on pineapple and papaya, although many other fruits can be used in cleansing treatments. These two fruits are tasty and have so many healing properties that by combining the fruits you get much more than just a drink.

The body is able to burn fat and cleanse accumulated toxins through the properties of the fruit.

These fruits are rich in vitamins and low in calories, so the body is cleansed of toxins and the defense system is strengthened to keep health in balance. They also refresh your digestion and keep you full for a long time.

Clean your body regularly

The food we eat contains harmful substances that come from the environment due to pollution or spoilage. In addition to food, they are also available from the air and from anywhere you touch.

You can minimize the damage caused by toxins by changing your life in a healthier direction and opening your eyes to consciousness.

How is it done?

Adding internal cleansing routines to your life.

Please note that the cleansing regimen is not just for weight loss, but is intended to remove toxins and waste products from your body that can damage your body. In addition, losing a few pounds and getting a better look can be secondary motivators in making your decision!

Cleansing course of papaya and pineapple

cleanse the body with pineapple

The cleansing course should last from three to six days, during which time you will get a good start to a healthy lifestyle. During this two-fruit cleansing course, red meat, dairy products, saturated fats, and processed carbohydrates should be completely excluded.

The main source of nutrients will be pineapple-papaya smoothies, which you can combine with other low-fat, high-fiber foods. Drink a smoothie in the morning and evening, and make sure you also drink plenty of water during your course.

Properties of pineapple

The high liquid content and high fiber content of pineapple facilitates and speeds up digestion. It also has a lot of minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron.

Pineapple is rich in vitamins A, B and C, making it an excellent source of natural antioxidants. Ingesting it refreshes the removal of fluids and the fibers and pectin ease constipation.

The above properties make it easier for the body to absorb sugar, which helps regulate blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Features of papaya

90% of papaya is water and has a lot of vitamins A, B, C and D just to name a few.

the woman has papaya

The vitamin C content is so high that only 100 g of papaya is enough to meet the daily need for vitamin C. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, lime and magnesium.

The enzyme papain improves the digestive process.

Control your appetite

After enjoying papaya and pineapple, you will feel full, thanks to the high fiber content. They are low in calories, which is great for controlling your appetite when you want to achieve a healthier weight.

To control your appetite, enjoy three servings of these fruits a day to achieve a healthy and balanced diet.

Papaya-pineapple smoothie


  • half papaya
  • half a pineapple
  • 3 dl almond milk (or water)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • stay as needed
  • cucumber or aloe vera to your liking


  • Wash the fruit and chop the fruit meat smaller and put all the ingredients in a blender. Stir until the mixture is smooth.
  • Drink smoothie for six days, for breakfast and in the evening before going to bed.
  • You can add pineapple and papaya to your daily diet by combining them with low-fat foods.
cleanse the body with pineapple juice

Other ways to enjoy these fruits

You can enjoy pineapple and papaya in other ways during the cleansing course. Try these:


Grill the pineapple rings or put the pineapple pieces on the grill skewer and they will taste great with the Main Dish.

In salads

Add pieces of fruit to your salad, bringing a slightly different nuance. Combine pieces of fruit with vegetables and use vinaigrette as a salad dressing.

As with other cleansing regimens, imagination and creativity are in place and leading to victory. Make your own combinations and find your own delicacies that are healthy, low-fat and high-fiber.

Don’t walk past this opportunity, start a regimen right away and cleanse your body of toxins, you’ll notice the difference!

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