Honey Treatments To Improve Health

To get all the benefits of the following honey treatments, you need to make sure that the honey is organic and organic, as processed versions are not as useful.
Honey treatments to improve health

Can you already make your own honey treatments at home?

Bee honey is one of the natural ingredients that has been valued since ancient times for its many culinary and medicinal uses.

It is a substance produced by the transformation of the bee honeysuckle. Although they make it to feed the nest, it has also been used for centuries for the benefit of humans.

Honey is full of antibiotics as well as anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Once absorbed by the body, it can prevent and treat a number of diseases.

In addition, it is ideal for improving digestion and protecting cells against toxins and free radicals. This is due to its large amount of enzymes and antioxidant ingredients.

The best part is that it can be added to natural treatments with other natural ingredients to improve our health.

Are you interested? Then try these honey treatments!

1. Honey treatment to strengthen the immune system

honey and lemon

Because honey has antibiotic and antiviral properties, it is a good addition to speed recovery from diseases caused by a weak immune system.

Its nutrients increase the responsiveness of the body’s defense system. It makes it easier to treat runny nose, flu and urinary problems.


  • 170 g of honey
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest


  • First pour the honey into a heat-resistant container and heat it in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  • As it warms up, add the lemon juice and grated lemon zest.
  • Then remove from the bath and allow to set at room temperature.
  • Store the product in an airtight container.


  • Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach as is or soaked in warm water.
  • In case of infection, take it up to three times a day .

2. Digestive honey treatment

Is your stomach inflamed or do you have stomach pains? Do you have problems with digestion? If so, you can try this interesting honey-ginger treatment.

Both ingredients stand out due to their digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Believe it or not, they are able to speed up the recovery from several stomach problems.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  • Boil the water and when it boils, add the grated ginger.
  • Allow the drink to set for 10 minutes, strain it and add the honey.


  • Drink a cup of fluid when the first symptoms of stomach problems occur.
  • Take twice a day.

3. Honey treatment for headaches

honey and a wooden spoon

Due to its relaxing and analgesic properties, honey can be beneficial wherever our day is disturbing headaches.

In this treatment, we strengthen its properties with the help of cloves, an ingredient that improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation.


  • 330 g of bee honey
  • 10 carnations


  • First, heat the honey in a water bath and add the carnations.
  • Pour the liquid into an airtight container and allow to simmer for 24-48 hours.


  • Take a couple of tablespoons and dissolve in a cup of hot water.
  • Drink this honey treatment when you suffer from headaches or muscle aches.
  • Take it twice a day if you feel it is necessary.

4. Honey treatment to cleanse the body

The enzymes and antioxidants contained in honey are useful in promoting the elimination of toxins that accumulate in the blood.

These ingredients optimize the function of the secretory organs and reduce the risk of cell damage.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon bee honey
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar


  • Heat the water and add the honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix the ingredients well until they are completely dissolved.


  • Take the drink on an empty stomach in a tube for at least 2 weeks.

5. Honey treatment to help with menstrual cramps

tea and honey

The relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties of honey combine well with the anticonvulsant properties of cinnamon. Together, they create an alternative treatment for painful menstrual cramps.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Boil water and add cinnamon and honey.


  • Drink this hot drink  2-3 days before menstruation.

Keep in mind that you should make sure that you buy 100% organic honey to prepare these honey treatments and get the full benefits from them. Although some commercial honeys taste similar, they have lower nutritional quality and properties.

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