Proper Storage Of Medicines

Proper storage of medicines is essential for them to remain usable and to remain effective until their expiry date. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Proper storage of medicines

Proper storage of medicines is essential for a medicine to maintain its effectiveness. You should be careful about the conditions under which you store your medicines. In most cases, the most suitable place is a cool and dry environment.

Tips for storing medicines

Several factors can affect the stability of a drug, including:


This is one of the things that most affects the shelf life of drugs. Therefore, it is important to store them in a cool, dry place. Make sure the temperature is stable and does not change suddenly.

In order to properly store the medication, it is important to try to prevent sudden changes in temperature.

Pharmaceutical form

You also need to consider the dosage form when storing medicines. Liquid drugs are generally more unstable than tablets or capsules. Their properties also change more easily than fixed ones.

Multidose drugs

These need to be opened every time you need them – syrups, eye drops, etc. Opening them multiple times can change their stability and pose health risks.

So keep in mind that the effectiveness of multidose medications is not determined by the expiration date, but by the time you first open them. Their shelf life after opening is usually in the package leaflet and is often shorter than the expiry date.

Write the date of opening on the pack so you know how long you can use that medicine. This will help you avoid any mistakes. Of course, you can avoid problems by simply disposing of the remaining amounts of medicine immediately after the end of treatment.

Proper storage of medicines

You can usually store most medications at room temperature, although there are some that require special storage conditions. Some recommendations for their preservation are:

  • Store them in a cool, dry place where there are no sudden changes in temperature.
  • Do not place them near electrical appliances.
  • Keep the original packaging.
  • Use smaller pill dispensers
  • Do not store them in the bathroom or kitchen, as there is usually more humidity and temperature changes in these places.
  • Keep them out of the reach of children.
It is essential to store medicines in a cool, dry place. In addition, you need to consider the expiration date and shelf life after opening.

Other recommendations for storage of medicines

Now you know that you need to choose a suitable place to store your medicines. It is important to find a way to store medicines also during the trip.

In addition, the expiration date is an important factor in ensuring the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, you should always read the package leaflet before you start taking this medicine. However, do not confuse the expiry date after opening – the latter will start as soon as you open the package.

Keep the pack and package leaflet

As we already mentioned, read the package leaflet and the package leaflet of each medicine you use  to find out the best way to store it. Consider the expiration date and whether you need special measures to manage it.

In addition, unused medicines should never be thrown away in the rubbish or toilet bowl, but should be taken to a pharmacy collection point.

Change in appearance

Do not take this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton or if you notice any change in the appearance of the medicine. This is because turbidity as well as discoloration indicate that it is no longer stable.


Finally, you should remember that the appearance of medicines will change if you do not store them properly. If you are not sure if this medicine can be used, do not take it.

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