Five Tips For Better Sleep For Those With Severe Eczema

Uncomfortable symptoms caused by severe eczema can interfere with sleep. For this reason, it is important to follow some strategies that will help you get a better night’s sleep.
Five tips for better sleep for those with severe eczema

Symptoms of severe eczema can significantly impair quality of life. While the discomfort is reduced with prescription drugs, it is important to supplement the treatment with a few tips. In this article, we look at some tips for better sleep for those with severe eczema.

Unfortunately, this skin condition causes fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia, among other things. Because of the discomfort caused by itching, dryness, and other clinical symptoms, it is difficult for people with this skin condition to get restful sleep.

Most worrying is that insufficient sleep intake can contribute to complications. In the medium to long term, it can endanger mental and other health. How do you deal with it? Keep reading!

What is eczema?

Eczema causes redness, bumpy rash, or blisters as a result of an inflammatory reaction that leads to itching.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that typically causes redness and inflammation. This is accompanied by severe itching, bangs, and extreme dryness of the skin, among many other ailments.

Some common forms of the disease are contact, seborrheic, and nummular eczema. Eczema can break out in anyone, but it is more common in babies and young children. Although its exact cause is not yet known, it is believed to be the reaction of the immune system to irritants.

The acute inflammatory phase of the disease occurs when one or more symptoms appear on the skin. This usually occurs when a person is exposed to triggers such as:

  • Chemical compounds for cleaning products and detergents
  • Perfumes and cosmetics
  • Synthetic fibers
  • High temperatures
  • Constant stress
  • Food tolerances
  • Animal scales
  • Rough materials such as wool
  • Upper respiratory tract infections

Tips for better sleep for those with severe eczema

A study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology  found that patients with eczema were also more likely to suffer from fatigue and difficulty sleeping. According to the study, more and more people visit the doctor every day precisely because of severe eczema and sleep problems.

Fortunately, certain tips can help you get a restful sleep. Below we share the most important of them. Enable them today!

1. Adjust the room temperature

You may want to lower your home temperature if you suffer from severe eczema
High temperatures contribute to the onset of eczema as they make the environment dry.

Body temperature and severe eczema are linked. The greater the feeling of heat, the worse the symptoms of the disease become. Indeed, sleep problems usually occur as a result of too hot an indoor temperature.

For this reason, it is important to keep the ambient temperature cool enough, especially when it is warm outside. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Turn off the heating or lower the temperature (three degrees).
  • Experiment with different temperatures until you find the one that works best for you.
  • Install the humidifier.

2. Use the right kind of bedding if you have severe eczema

Bedding can also affect body temperature at bedtime. One measure to reduce sleep problems is therefore to change bedding to more suitable ones. Make sure the bedding you use is made of cotton or bamboo.

They accumulate less dust mites and residues on the skin – factors that can make symptoms worse. In addition, they are easy to wash and dry quickly.

3. Use a moisturizer before going to bed

Severe eczema can be relieved with moisturizers
Emollient moisturizers create a protective layer on the skin and moisturize it at the same time.

Excessive dryness is one such factor that aggravates the symptoms of this skin condition. Thus, if the skin is too dry, it is more likely to suffer from severe itching and flaking. To solve this, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer to the rash areas about half an hour before bedtime.

The products you use should be suitable for sensitive skin or should be designed to treat this condition. The use of scented creams or fats should be avoided altogether as they may worsen symptoms.

4. Maintain a regular sleep rhythm if you have severe eczema

A regular sleep rhythm can significantly help control the insomnia associated with severe eczema. Although symptoms can interfere with sleep, you are more likely to sleep better if you have regular routines when you go to bed and wake up.

In addition, you should take advantage of some method of relaxation before going to bed and remove distractions from your bedroom, such as a TV, computer, and cell phone.

5. Choose the right kind of nightwear

Severe eczema can interfere with night sleep
Wear breathable nightwear that does not stick to the skin.

Due to the characteristics of the disease, nightwear should be chosen with particular care. Rough and synthetic materials can cause the rash to worsen, while loose and breathable materials minimize this risk and make you feel more comfortable.

Do your sleep problems persist despite these recommendations? If this happens, contact your doctor. Your doctor will assess whether other types of treatments can be used.

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