Natural Sugar Peel To Soften Hands

Even though we use them all the time, our hands are often one of the most neglected parts of our beauty routines. Learn how to pamper your hands with this natural sugar peel!
Natural sugar peel to soften hands

Sugar peeling softens even the roughest hands. The hands are covered with sensitive skin, which unfortunately tends to deteriorate more easily  than the skin in other areas of the body.

Direct exposure to sunlight, toxins, and chemicals found in many products put our hands at risk for signs of premature aging. 

In fact, it is common for our hands to develop spots, wrinkles, and other unattractive changes from an early age.

Fortunately, there are several products that are awesome on our hands. They keep them moisturized, soft and beautiful.

These products include homemade options that keep your hands healthy by combining natural ingredients.

In this article, we want to tell you more about the peel made from sugar. It removes dead skin cells and other impurities that cause blemishes. 

Give it a try!

Sugar peel to pamper the skin of your hands

This sugar peel is a natural product that can be used to improve the appearance of the skin on your hands.

Although sugar is normally used as a sweetener in many recipes, several decades ago women began using it as a natural cosmetic.

Its abrasive power and moisturizing power can be used  to remove dead skin cells and other contaminants that have adhered to its surface.

At the same time, it also cleans the pores thoroughly, removing dirt residue that usually causes blackheads and acne. 

In addition, sugar contains a substance known as glycolic acid. It helps to remove dead cells and chemical residues  that cleansing or skin care products usually leave on the skin.

After application to the skin, it feels much softer, more vibrant and is much less risky to develop spots and other changes.

Best of all, it is a fairly easy product to make. Overall, sugar is cheap and can be found in stores in several forms.

How to make this emollient sugar peel

sugar peeling

This exfoliating product for your hands can also be used on other dry areas such as your  elbows and knees. 

Its main raw material is sugar. S e also contains a little coconut oil to make it easier to apply. 

This oily product contains essential fatty acids and vitamin E. These two compounds are very good for skin health.

In addition, applying it to the hands increases the production of collagen and elastane.  These ingredients are responsible for maintaining elastic and youthful skin.

It secretes a strong antioxidant effect that reduces the risk of wrinkles and signs of premature aging. 

It is also beneficial for your cuticles as it gives them extra hydration and nutrients.

Let’s see how the peel is made.


  • 2.5 dl coarse sugar
  • 1.2 dl of organic coconut oil
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule (optional)


  • Airtight glass container
  • Wooden spoon


  • Pour the sugar into an airtight container and then add the organic coconut oil.
  • Make sure you mix the two ingredients together with a  wooden spoon until you get a granular paste.
  • Close the box and store in a cool dry place. 
  • You can add a vitamin E capsule to increase the moisturizing effects of exfoliation and its shelf life.

How to apply it

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap before applying the peel.
  • After drying your hands, take as much exfoliating cream as you need and rub it into each hand in a circular motion. 
  • Leave on for 15-20 minutes  and rinse.
  • Apply three times a week  to keep your hands in perfect condition.

You will immediately get softer, cleaner and younger looking skin. However, you can enjoy many more benefits by using this peel regularly.

For example, after several weeks of use, it reduces the appearance of impurities and wrinkles. In addition,  it helps protect the skin from aggressive chemicals and dust. 

Prepare the sugar peel at home and start using it by following the recommendations above and you will see its effects.


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