5 Cholesterol Lowering Healthy Fats

It is important to know what kind of healthy foods to eat. After all, some fats are clearly harmful, while others can be helpful in getting cholesterol under control.
5 cholesterol-lowering healthy fats

Fried foods, butter, fatty cheeses and some meats are high in saturated fats that can increase the amount of cholesterol in your body. When you know better which foods contain cholesterol-lowering healthy fats, you can add them to your diet and avoid eating unhealthy unsaturated fats.

There is another group of fats that work in the exact opposite way in your body. By this we mean  polyunsaturated fats known as healthy fats. These are able to give you the nutrients and energy your body needs and keep your cholesterol under control.

The best cholesterol-lowering fat products

When you know what cholesterol-lowering fat is, you can more easily use substitutes and reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet  without having to cut anything good out of your diet.

Keep reading, because now you’ll hear more – these are 5 healthy and cholesterol-lowering types of fat!

1. Vegetable oils: monounsaturated fats

cholesterol-lowering fat in the heart vessel

First, the benefit is that  vegetable oils are high in oleic acid.  This is an excellent substitute for saturated fats. Olive oil is certainly the most popular of these products.

However, it is not the only good option if you want to give your body such nutrients. Namely, hazelnut, canola, soybean and sesame oils are also available  .

In addition, it is worth bearing in mind the therapeutic effects of extra virgin olive oil. Taking it helps both control the amount of bad cholesterol (or LDL cholesterol) in your body and fight inflammation  – there are many other benefits.

2. Alpha-linolenic acid in fish

This is perhaps the  most important fatty acid in the Omega-3 group. It is obtained from fish and soy, as well as sesame.

It is very healthy for humans because  our bodies are unable to produce it on their own. It prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries and supports heart health.

The fish with the highest alpha-linolenic acid species include the following species:

  • tuna
  • salmon
  • sardines
  • Baltic herring

Although all of these can also be purchased in jars, it is best to eat them in their natural state.

3. Do you want more muscle mass? Try cod liver oil

vitamin capsules

Believe it or not, it is possible to eat healthy while gaining muscle mass. This is great for athletes and anyone looking to gain more muscle.

If you belong to these groups, cod liver oil can be an absolutely great supplement.

This popular product is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Simply put, this fat promotes better protein aggregation  and thus allows muscle mass to increase.

In addition, some of the benefits of supplements containing it include:

  • It supports a system of resistance.
  • It helps in bone growth.
  • It promotes blood clotting.
  • It enhances  brain development.

Therefore, this supplement is also a recommended product for older adults.

4. Avocados are high in Omega-6 fatty acids

Omega-6 fatty acids are found in many foods of animal origin. However, one of its healthiest sources is avocado, as it is  one of the few fruits rich in polyunsaturated substances.

In addition to being a very nutritious product, avocado also helps with absorption.

Another great fruit that has these nourishing abilities is olive, and thus the recommended product is also the olive oil we mentioned earlier.

5. Also lentils cholesterol lowering fat

lenses provide cholesterol-lowering fat

Lenses provide the body with a valuable protein that does not raise triglyceride levels. Lentils contain only 0.1 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams.

These small factors form a  substance that gets stuck in cholesterol and helps flush it out of the body. Thus, lenses are considered to be the real protectors of heart health, as well as promoters of well-being of the entire vascular system.

In addition, keep in mind that red beans and green soybeans have similar properties to lentils.

So is fat bad for your health?

A certain amount of fat is necessary for the human organs to function properly. Thus, classifying this macronutrient as an enemy is a bad thing if one wants to keep the diet balanced.

In fact, some nutritionists believe that 20-30% of your diet should be fat. However, this amount should consist of unsaturated fat.

The benefits of eating a healthy amount of healthy, cholesterol-lowering fat are all as follows:

  • It improves insulin sensitivity.
  • It regulates metabolism.
  • It increases muscle mass.
  • It promotes reproductive health.
  • It optimizes brain function.

So pay attention  to what types of fatty acids you choose and you can enjoy better health in many ways!

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