7 Home Tricks For Kidney Stones

These treatments are very effective for kidney stones, but it is always advisable to see a doctor to assess your condition.
7 home remedies for kidney stones

Kidney stones can be a serious health problem. The pain they cause is sometimes compared to childbirth. For this reason, you should prevent them with pre-natural tricks – keep reading, and we’ll introduce seven home trunks to kidney stones.

You will get results quickly due to the medicinal properties of these foods, herbs and simple treatments.

What do kidney stones consist of?

Kidney stones can be caused by a variety of reasons.

There are different types of kidney stones. If you have already suffered from them, it is important to know their composition, as each treatment is different.

  • Oxalic Acid: You should follow a diet low in calcium and oxalic acid.
  • Phosphoric acid: just like in the previous section, avoid calcium and oxalic acid.
  • Uric acid: Avoid foods that are high in purines.

You should remember these tips if you know what types of kidney stones or genetic predisposition you suffer from. If you are not aware of it, avoid all of the following foods and try natural treatments.

Prohibited foods

It is important to emphasize the most harmful foods when suffering from kidney stones:

  • Milk and its derivatives
  • Sugar
  • Sucrose
  • Offal and red meat
  • Seafood
  • Bleached flour

To eliminate kidney stones, completely eliminate or reduce these foods in your diet. Instead, there are other options such as vegetable juices, fish, natural sweeteners or whole grain flour.

7 home remedies for kidney stones

1. Alkaline juices

7 home remedies for kidney stones - alkaline drinks.


Kidney stones occur when there is too much acid in the body. Therefore, you should consume alkaline foods to balance the pH as well as to prevent or remove kidney stones.

This is accomplished quickly and efficiently with the help of green juices. You can make these homemade and natural juices from the following ingredients. Vary and mix them to your liking they are all good for you:

  • Green leafy vegetables (celery, arugula, celery leaves, beet leaves, watercress)
  • Apples
  • Cucumbers
  • Ginger
  • Lemon

2. Magnesium salts

Magnesium salts are excellent in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones as they prevent crystallization and reduce acid.

Magnesium is also an essential mineral for many vital functions. It can therefore be enjoyed as a regular supplement. We especially recommend magnesium carbonate or magnesium citrate.

3. Vitamin C.

When you take enough vitamin C, the risk of developing kidney stones is reduced.

Vitamin C is one treatment that should not be left out of a balanced diet. This vitamin also prevents the crystallization of the stone and facilitates their gradual removal. Vitamin C is obtained from food and tablets.

Here are the foods with the most vitamin C:

  • Barbados
  • Rosehip
  • Guava
  • Red berries
  • Parsley
  • Kiwi

4. Hazelnut

This delicious nut is surprising because of one very special property: it is able to prevent urinary stones. Therefore, it is a very suitable method of contraception for people who suffer from these types of stones.

If you want to eat this nut every day without getting bored, you can make your very own hazelnut-cocoa spread. Unlike in-store spreads, you can make a healthy version yourself without milk or sugar.

5. Water

7 home remedies for kidney stones - adequate water intake.

Water is the simplest and most effective treatment for kidney stones. However, it should be drunk between meals, especially immediately on the first morning on an empty stomach. The ideal amount is 2 liters per day.

6. Field card

Field fever is a medicinal plant with a strong diuretic effect. It enhances kidney function and provides minerals. It is also an effective anti-inflammatory plant.

To take advantage of its good properties, you can take it every now and then to treat any kidney trouble.

7. Local heat

Use local heat therapy to relieve discomfort.

You can use local heat therapy to prevent kidney stones and relieve discomfort.

Use a hot water bottle, heating mat or other alternative that has the same warming effect. You will be amazed at how relaxing this simple treatment can be. For example, you can use it every night before going to bed.

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