Are You A Rational Or Intuitive Person?

Are you a rational or intuitive person?

You may be one of those people with “feelings”: feelings or intuitions about what kind of decision you should make at any given moment. However, if you don’t feel like that, you may be more rational, and then you think things deeply before making a decision in any direction.

In this article, we’ll tell you about the differences between these two ways of thinking, and you can then judge which group you belong to more – more clearly rational or intuitive people.

Intuitive and rational people

Of course, this typification is not exhaustive. Everyone certainly has intuitive feelings sometimes, and of course everyone sometimes thinks about their problems and other things before making a decision about them. However, one cannot deny the fact that some people are just more impulsive than others. Some also let their feelings lead them forward, while others are more cautious, and think things through thoroughly before making a clear move in a particular direction.

These ways of behaving and deciding things are often related to your own personality. One interesting point, however, is that following intuition is not entirely irrational, although at first glance it may seem so. In fact, experts say that in reality, many of your decisions are based specifically on intuition or feeling about something. However, these are not spontaneous phenomena, meaning that the two sides of thinking are always connected. In the following, we explain this question in more detail from two seemingly opposite ways of thinking .

1. Intuitive mindset

woman blowing gold dust

Feelings and Insights…  We do know all that such thoughts are. They are sudden emotions that tell you that it is best to choose a certain direction at a certain moment. They give you the feeling that, for example, someone is not good for you and that it is best to avoid them.

However, we do not always want to accept these feelings or hints because they do not seem to make any sense. After all, they are only products of emotions or other similar things, not the brain, which, on the other hand, would make such reasoning the result of logical and consistent thinking.

However, this is not the truth. Insights are, in fact, quick reasoning and assessments of situations that result from our own personalities and past experiences. Everything that happens in your life is recorded and memorized, as is the feeling that was associated with the situation that happened.

The result of this is that when you then experience a stimulus that corresponds to a certain past situation, sudden feelings may come up and tell you, for example, “do this, go that direction, choose that person, take the risk, back off”. So these hints are phenomena based on your decisions you made in the past. They are also tied to your personality.

So much is hidden in the complex world of intuitions – all those sudden emotions that jump into your mind without you even knowing why it happens. There are people who always follow their intuition and they never ignore these thoughts. So they take seriously what many call instinct and follow this.

However, be a little careful. It should be borne in mind that because these emotions and hidden hints that jump to the surface of the mind from the depths are very fast, they are not always the best or proper answer to a problem. So they don’t always work the way you want them to. Therefore, there are people who are wary of such feelings, and even if similar hints appear to them, they would rather sweep them aside and look at things with reservation. So these people have a more rational personality.

2. Rational way of thinking

a rational or intuitive person

Rational thinking is based on conscious information: what do you have in front of you, what can you see and touch, and what comparisons can you make about a situation based on other information at your disposal?

The decisions that rational people make are much slower and more cautious than intuitive people. However, they do not have fewer resources in decision-making, they are only more considerate and also possibly a little more insecure about themselves. Sometimes, however, this is a good thing because it forces a person to go through a certain kind of “quality assurance” before any decision is made. Such people are also afraid of making mistakes, and they are always looking for the right answer as well as the best option.

As a result, rational people are more cautious, but sometimes people can’t spend very much time making decisions. Also, it is sometimes not possible to have access to all the necessary information that would be important before making a decision. For example, you cannot know everything about a person until you make a decision to fall in love or not to fall in love with him. Such a decision only arises, and therefore in reality most people are also intuitive. Emotions have always been a more powerful factor in human life than reason. Man is, in fact, an extremely emotional being.

It is therefore best to maintain a balance between the two worlds. Don’t rush into making decisions, but don’t be too careful either. Uncertainty is often the result of some form of suffering. So it is definitely best to maintain a balance between these two sides of man.

Do you think so? How do you see yourself – profitably as a rational or intuitive person?

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