The Best Natural Laxatives

The best natural laxatives

If you suffer from constipation, try natural laxatives first  . However, keep in mind the appropriate dosage and in no case exceed the recommended amount. In this article, we will introduce the best natural laxatives and talk about their proper use.

If you add these foods to your daily diet,  you may get rid of the heavy or swollen feeling caused by a low toilet visit. Try to eat these natural laxatives as often as possible.


Banana is high in fiber, so it acts as an excellent laxative and maintains digestive well-being. In addition, bananas contain potassium.

If you eat one banana daily, this will restore the necessary electrolytes to your gut. In addition, you get fructooligosaccharides from them, which form a benign bacterial system in the stomach.


Because apples are rich in pectins, they stimulate stomach function. In addition, you naturally get fiber from them . Eat a couple of apples a day to prevent constipation.

natural laxatives


Cantaloupe is a great alternative to breakfast as it is very easily digestible  (it passes almost directly into the gut and does not get stuck in the stomach).


The berries are full of antioxidants and there are many different ones to choose from to suit your taste. Try strawberries, blueberries, blackcurrants or cherries.


Plums are one of the best laxatives. They are rich in potassium, vitamin A, fiber and iron. They maintain good bacteria in the gut.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar regulates the activity of the stomach and removes toxins from the body. It contains potassium, pectins, malic acid, acetic acid, calcium and many other useful ingredients. We recommend the organic option as it contains living nutrients and has not been further processed.

Aloe Vera

You probably already knew that aloe Vera is an excellent laxative. Its flesh is 99% water, and the remaining percentage contains at least 75 different nutrients. Drink aloe vera juice daily and you are sure to feel its effects on your body!

natural laxatives


Ginger, saffron and cayenne pepper help with digestion and work great as laxatives. Ginger, for example, can be enjoyed as tea and thus maintains regular abdominal function. Saffron cleanses the liver and eliminates dietary carcinogens while cayenne pepper increases the production of enzymes.

Citrus fruits

Especially orange, but also lemon and grapefruit. They act as cleansers and “wash” toxins from the body. The vitamin C contained in these fruits is very healthy for your whole body. One orange contains 15% of the daily fiber requirement.


Like apples, carrots are high in pectins and fiber. They stimulate digestion and cleanse the body.


Onions contain quercetin, which removes residues from the body. They also contain folic acid, vitamins E and C, fiber and potassium.

natural laxatives


Even a small amount of garlic gives the body selenium and allicin, which cleanse the liver. Raw garlic can also help prevent stomach cancer as it strengthens the immune system.

Asparagus and cauliflower

Both cabbages increase the body’s glucosinate levels, which generate more enzymes and these in turn remove toxins. Ordinary cabbage also promotes intestinal function and makes a visit to the toilet a little more comfortable, as both cabbages are effective laxatives.


These great delicacies are rich in vitamins A, C and K. Tomatoes provide 10% of your daily fiber needs. They also contain lycopene, which can  protect against colon cancer.

natural laxatives

Omega-3 oils

You can get this oil from flaxseed, olive oil, avocado or hemp. They remove toxins and lubricate the intestinal walls, which in turn improves intestinal function.

Green leafy vegetables

This group includes spinach, chicory and arugula, among others. They contain fiber, magnesium, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins C and K. These excellent and natural laxatives  promote  digestion  and increase bile secretion, which removes toxins from the blood and internal organs.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil facilitates digestion and bowel function as well as the pain caused by hemorrhoids by relieving inflammation and repairing tissue. Extra virgin coconut oil is the best option as it has not been processed.


Avocado is full of a variety of nutrients such as potassium, folic acid and vitamin K. One avocado a day contains 30% of the daily fiber requirement. It also contains magnesium and lutein, which facilitate the absorption of other nutrients.


Uncooked seeds help with digestion. Options include chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds, which are high in fiber, zinc, protein, and vitamin E. Natural laxatives can also be delicacies such as walnuts, almonds and pine nuts.

natural laxatives

Now that you know these natural laxatives, enjoy them regularly as part of a balanced diet.

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