Choose This Makeup If You Are A Beginner

If you don’t really wear makeup but want to start using it, follow these easy instructions and you’ll look great.
Choose this makeup if you are a beginner

If you’ve never put on makeup but want to start doing so, follow these tips. All you have to do is add makeup naturally to subtly highlight your features.  Learn how to make natural makeup for a beginner!

The idea of ​​makeup is to make you look more attractive, but not too fake. To achieve that, you should wear the kind of makeup you can wear both during the day and in the evening.

The best makeup for a beginner is one that makes you look sophisticated, that highlights your features and brings out the beauty of your face. To show off your true, natural beauty, makeup should be simple and not overly applied. Try to emphasize your features in a harmonious way.

Remember, a perfect makeup routine won’t be achieved overnight, so don’t worry. You will gradually learn the right techniques and find the most suitable products just for you.

The first tip is to spread the different products in small amounts and mix them well. That way you can’t use it too much if you need to add it. By practicing, you will gain all these skills and the necessary self-confidence.

This is the best makeup for a beginner

These tips can serve as a guide for applying makeup for the first time. Then you can gradually vary the techniques to your taste. Following them will always be a big help, as they don’t vary much.

Now let’s see how to make beautiful, natural makeup for a beginner!

1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin

listened to the skin

This is one of the most important steps as it will help you add makeup better while taking care of your skin. You look fresher when you apply a thin layer of moisturizer to clean facial skin (before applying makeup).

  • Clean your face with soap and water.
  • Dry well by  patting  (i.e. not rubbing).
  • Then apply a little moisturizer to your face and neck area.
  • Allow the cream to absorb and then continue to apply the primer.

2. Makeup cream for beginners

When your skin is ready, apply makeup. Try to choose the right makeup for your skin tone to make your makeup look perfect. To achieve that, you may need to combine a light make-up cream with a dark one.

  • Put a little light makeup on your hand.
  • Just add one drop of dark makeup cream.
  • Combine until you reach your skin tone.
  • Apply a small amount with your finger all over your face.
  • Then fade it around your face and neck.

3. Concealer for dark under-eye circles

makeup for a beginner: primer

This is most important of all if you have dark under-eyes that you want to cover, or other imperfections that you want to hide.

Ideally, you should choose a concealer that is lighter in tone than your make-up cream.

  • You can apply it with your finger and then fade it until the tone is even.

4. Add powder to attach

After the concealer you used earlier, add stone or loose powder.

  • You can apply it with a makeup brush, taking just a little powder in it and applying it all over your face. You can also do it with a make-up sponge. Its trick is to spread it in a rotating motion.

5. Eye makeup for a beginner

makeup for a beginner: eyes
  • Corners.  They frame your face. Use a shade that is approximately two shades lighter than your hair color. Apply to the entire cornea, fading.
  • Eyelids. Use earthy colors if you are a beginner. Apply eyeshadow evenly over the entire eyelid with a brush or finger.
  • The lower part of the eyelid. Apply a shade of brown to give depth to where the eyelid ends.
  • Eye protection.  This is without a doubt the most difficult step in makeup for a beginner. Trim the top of your eye with a black eyeliner. The most ideal is  to start using a makeup pen as it is the easiest way of all. 
  • Eyelashes. At this point, you add mascara. The goal is to lengthen them and give them volume. Don’t forget the lower part of the eyelashes!

6. Blush

Blush is a good makeup for a beginner. Blush is used to accentuate the cheekbones, give texture to the face and of course make them look narrower.

  • You will need a thick brush to apply it. You need to make the following types of facial expressions to be able to apply it correctly and know exactly where it should be applied:
    • You can  make a fish look and spread it on the submerged areas that form on your cheeks.
    • Another way is to  smile and tint the protruding part. 

7. Paint your lips

beginner makeup: lips

Finally, add a little color to your lips to make them more eye-catching. Use matte shades or light colors to create a fresh and natural look.

Apply with your fingers in small amounts and then fade it to get a uniform color. If you want, you can add lip gloss to make your lips even more eye-catching.

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