Gorgeous Hair Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has an anti-fungal effect, so it is ideally suited for expelling dandruff and moisturizing hair, for example.
Gorgeous hair using coconut oil

The hair frames the face, so they need to be well-groomed and well-being. If your hair is dry and lifeless, coconut oil can quickly improve their appearance and health. Coconut oil restores hair shine and health, and makes them soft and beautiful.

Coconut oil is a natural and gentle ingredient that is also suitable for sensitive snipers and those who prefer natural cosmetics. The effectiveness of coconut oil in hair care has been scientifically proven and many believe it works even better than artificial preparations.

Natural coconut oil does not contain any alcohol, silicone or other chemicals that are often used in hair care products and can cause damage to the hair. Half of the composition of coconut oil is lauric acid, which resembles the natural proteins in the hair. Lauric acid makes hair stronger and softer. In addition to this, lauric acid is light in composition and can penetrate deep into the scalp, giving it nourishment and shine.

What kind of coconut oil should be used?

There are different versions of coconut oil, and although all coconut oils may be suitable for hair care, it is recommended to use virgin coconut oil or crude coconut oil for the following reasons:

  • Crude, cold-pressed coconut oil has not lost its nutrients during processing.
  • The aroma of coconut oil has not been altered or removed.

How is coconut oil used on hair?


coconut and coconut oil

Coconut oil is ideally suited for the treatment and prevention of various hair problems. Coconut oil, for example, has been used in India and the Philippines for centuries to treat hair and scalp, and especially to prevent scalp dryness.

1. Repair dry hair

By using coconut oil, you can repair hair damage and nourish dry hair. If the hair has been damaged by various chemical treatments, such as hair dyeing or heat treatment, coconut oil can quickly restore the softness and smoothness of the hair. Coconut oil nourishes the hair from root to tip.


coconut oil is applied to the hair by rubbing it on the scalp
  • Put 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl. You can use a smaller or larger amount of oil depending on the length and thickness of your hair. By trying, you will find the right dose for you.
  • Rub coconut oil on your hands to warm it up and apply gently to those areas that need hydration and repair the most. Hair tops, for example, often need special attention as they dry out and branch easily.
  • Before the shower, do an oil treatment wrapped in a towel, as the oil can spill on the clothes and mess them up.
  • Use your fingers to apply the oil and then comb through the hair so that the oil is spread evenly. You can use the oil on the scalp, lengths and tops, or to treat just one area.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel. The heat generated by the shield helps the oil to penetrate deep into the hair.
  • Leave the oil on for 2 hours or overnight if your hair needs deep treatment.
  • Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo and repeat the shampoo wash as many times as necessary. Often the oil only leaves after the third wash, so scrub your hair thoroughly before rinsing.
  • Allow your hair to dry naturally.

2. Remove dandruff with coconut oil


coconut oil is used to expel dandruff on the hair

Coconut oil is suitable for the treatment of dry, flaky and itchy scalp. Coconut oil moisturizes the scalp and relieves irritation, while preventing the growth of bacteria and fungi.

  • Apply a few drops of coconut oil to the scalp 1-4 times a month.
  • Allow the oil to soak for an hour and then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Coconut oil can also be applied to problem areas such as the temples throughout the day. A small drop is enough and the oil is easily absorbed and does not leave the hair looking greasy.

3. Combine coconut oil with aloe vera for a luxurious hair treatment


Coconut oil is used on the hair with aloe vera

If your hair needs a quick and effective regeneration, try this treatment with aloe vera and coconut oil. Aloe Vera moisturizes and repairs hair, while coconut oil restores its softness and shine. You will notice the difference to the former after just one treatment.

  • Grab 2 leaves of aloe vera, split them lengthwise and scrape the gel-like inside with a spoon.
  • Place the gel in a bowl and add the corresponding amount of coconut oil.
  • Heat the mixture in the microwave for a while and stir until smooth. Apply a warm conditioner all over your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and allow to soak for half an hour.
  • Wash and rinse your hair normally after half an hour. You can repeat the shampoo wash twice.
  • Dry your hair with a towel and enjoy your soft, shiny and smooth hair.

Coconut oil is suitable for pampering hair in everyday life and at parties. With regular use, coconut oil can treat, strengthen and protect hair, and can replace traditional conditioners. Coconut oil can be used for long-acting masks, as well as treatments that are quickly applied to the tops and do not need to be washed off.

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