5 Healthy Foods That Relieve Anxiety

In addition to including healthy foods in your diet, it is also essential to get rid of any foods that make you crave more calories or trigger anxiety.
5 healthy foods that relieve anxiety

After all, we all want to have a healthy and good-looking body. However, for others,  it may be more difficult to resist eating more than is necessary. When you get more calories than you burn, weight gain is inevitable. What healthy foods are most recommended that relieve anxiety?

Above all, it is important to make good choices. Sometimes, in addition to wanting to eat between meals,  well-calorie foods are eaten. The end result is negative for the body.

What things cause appetite?

Untamed appetite can be caused by many reasons:

  • From a poor diet: you eat little in relation to your daily caloric needs or choose foods that are not satisfying.
  • Ignoring meals: you don’t eat for long, which makes you lose control of your appetite.
  • About stress: Some people  relieve stress or anxiety by eating something. When this happens constantly, it can lead to an eating disorder.

Tips to relieve your appetite

Reducing the level of anxiety is possible. To do that, you need to change some daily habits and make good choices. In other words, you should choose healthy foods that relieve anxiety.

Follow your meal schedule

healthy salad

Adhering to a schedule can prevent your metabolism from slowing down. When you are not eating for a long time, your body stores calories and it leads to weight gain.

  • Prepare three main meals in moderate portions  and two snacks to avoid a terrible hunger. Ignoring meals often leads to a huge appetite.
  • If your daily routines don’t allow you to eat well, it’s best to plan your meals and  include healthy foods in your diet that reduce anxiety.

Balanced diet

It is important to eat in moderation from each food group; otherwise there is a risk of still feeling hungry after eating.

This usually happens with processed food; the body craves decent food and feels still hungry.

No diet is complete without vegetables and protein (which does not come from red meat, if at all possible).

Avoid junk food

junk food

Junk food usually refers to  food that is high in salt, sugar and fat.

Such foods often contain monosodium glutamate or corn syrup, which activate the same areas in the brain as certain drugs.

They are addictive,  and that’s why when you eat junk food, you often want more.

Healthy foods that relieve anxiety

When you’re hungry, eating the food you first get your hands on is the worst thing you can do. This is because it can be something that raises your anxiety level or makes you gain weight.

Below are some options to consider:


It is common to confuse thirst with hunger or anxiety. The body needs to be well hydrated to function properly. Drinking water also makes you feel fuller.

Dried fruits and nuts

nuts relieve anxiety

Dried fruits and nuts contain good and healthy fats or single and polyunsaturated fats. They contain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids.

There is a myth that nuts lead to weight gain because they are high in fat. However, this is not the case if they are eaten in their natural form.

  • Nuts are a great option. They have fewer calories than dried fruit and make you feel full.
  • The same can be said for almonds and pistachios.
  • Walnuts are recommended for people who suffer from cravings for sweets.

Oatmeal with fruit

Oatmeal is a cereal product rich in vitamins and minerals.  They are beneficial for liver function and prevent constipation. In addition, oatmeal contains a variety of carbohydrates to help you feel full for longer.

  • When you combine them with red berries or dried fruits, they give your body plenty of vitamin C.

Dark chocolate

For chocolate to be a good choice,  it should contain over 70% cocoa, and preferably no added sugar.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood pressure.


avocados relieve anxiety

Avocado contains healthy fats for the body. Its delicious taste is an ideal substitute for butter, margarine and mayonnaise.

  • It is the perfect salad ingredient.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin E,  which improves the appearance of the skin.
  • In addition, they contain carotenoids that protect the skin and eyes from sunlight.

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