8 Foods That Give The Most Collagen To The Skin

While tea may not help produce collagen, all types of tea can still prevent collagen from decreasing over time and with age.
8 foods that give the most collagen to the skin

If you want to keep your skin beautiful and wrinkle-free, it is necessary to make sure that you get all the important nutrients, one of which is collagen. The benefits of collagen for the skin are many.

Cosmetics are not enough if you want to keep your skin healthy. This also requires a balanced diet.

In this article, we’ll talk about eight foods that give your skin collagen or help it produce it. This protein keeps the skin youthful and firm, and it also ensures that the joints can stay in good condition.

beautiful skin

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most important protein in the body. Collagen fibers, which are flexible and durable,  are found in the skin, bones, muscles, tendons and joints.

The body produces collagen naturally on the skin. Over time, however, this ability decreases, and then wrinkles begin to appear, joints become more inflamed, and bones become weaker — and so on.

For this reason, it is important to follow a balanced diet that is high in products that are high in collagen or that promote its production.

What does collagen give to the skin?

Collagen is a major factor in the skin, and this  protein helps the skin to be firm and supple. Therefore, it is very important that you ensure your body has adequate collagen intake through diet.

  • The body of a young person produces collagen all the time, and therefore the skin looks young and stays firm.
  • Then, when you  are over 30, you may start to notice loose skin and wrinkles.

8 foods from which the skin gets a lot of collagen

The products we list next are known for their high levels of collagen or the fact that they increase its production in the body.

1. Garlic

garlic with a spoon

There are many reasons why garlic should be part of your diet. This medicinal product is first and foremost a natural antibiotic, but it is also high in sulfur.

This mineral, which also has cleansing abilities,  promotes collagen formation.

  • For garlic to be effective, it must be  eaten raw or in the form of capsules.

2. Onion

red onion on the table

Onions belong to the same group as garlic, and that too contains sulfur.

Eating onions increases collagen production and improves blood circulation.

In addition, it facilitates the removal of toxic substances from the body.

3. Fatty fish

greasy fish

Although fatty fish is not rich in collagen, it is high in lysine. This amino acid is a vital factor in the formation of collagen.

In addition, fatty fish is rich in vital fatty acids that are really good for nourishing the skin.

  • Keep in mind, however, that large and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish, etc.) can also contain heavy metals.
  • Thus, we recommend  choosing smaller fish such as sardines, mackerel or anchovies.

4. Meat

meat on a tray

Collagen is the factor that makes meat hard. Hard fibers make meat difficult to chew.

In this regard, we recommend beef, chicken or turkey in particular,  and some parts of the animal’s body, such as the legs, are high in collagen.

5. Bone broth


If you want a really healthy food that is high in collagen, you should definitely try bone broth. The benefits of collagen remain in the tasty broth.

  • This is a very traditional recipe. The broth is made with the bones in it and vegetables are added to it. The broth is boiled slowly  and on low heat for many hours.

In this way, bone broth has been made for years, and this process allows the bones to get the most out of their nutrients.

6. Berries

berries and fruits

Berries such as blueberries, currants and strawberries are rich in lycopene.

This antioxidant, also found in red vegetables, enhances  the secretion of collagen in the body to get the most out of collagen.

7. Dairy products

various dairy products

Milk and milk-derived products contain large amounts of proline and lysine. These amino acids increase collagen formation.

However, keep in mind that if you want to enhance the absorption of nutrients, you  should enjoy these separately from the main meals of the day.

8. Make

green tea in a jug

Tea is an ancient beverage that has many great effects on human health. In this case, we want to highlight the catechins it contains.

  • These ingredients are powerful antioxidants that block the action of free radicals in the body and  prevent the reduction of collagen as a person ages.

You can choose different teas to maintain collagen levels: black, red, green or white tea.

Have you ever wondered if you should start increasing the amount of collagen in your body as you age? Or do you already have a nutritional supplement for this purpose? Take the help of these natural products so that you can improve your collagen levels and get the benefits of collagen quite effortlessly and cheaply – through your daily diet.

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