How To Make A Natural Fabric Softener

This homemade laundry softener is both eco-friendly and effective. It also removes excess limescale from the washing machine.
This is how you make a natural fabric softener for laundry

Rinse aids are an easy way to keep clothes and other textiles soft and fragrant. The fabric softener protects your favorite clothes from wear, takes away bad odors as you go, and keeps your clothes smooth and comfortable to wear.

There are many different and different scents of rinse aids available in stores, but if you are interested in natural, chemical-free rinse aids, you can easily make one yourself. By using natural products, you save money and nature.

Below we explain the benefits of making your own fabric softener and how it is made at home.

Why is a homemade fabric softener a better option?

preparation of homemade rinse aid

Making your own rinse aid can sound like a big job, and maybe even unnecessary – after all, store shelves are just groaning about different options! However, the fabric softener is surprisingly easy to prepare and has many advantages over commercial products. 

The homemade fabric softener is gentle and removes stains but does not fade the color of clothes. The fabric softener recipe in this article is especially great for dark clothes, and it also removes yellowish sweat stains from white clothes.

This homemade fabric softener is also good for the washing machine, as it removes limescale from the inside surfaces of the machine and also removes soap residue and mold. The rinse aid does not contain harmful chemicals that are dangerous to the environment and sensitive skin, making it particularly suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

The fabric softener can also be used to clean and soften baby clothes, so the baby’s sensitive skin is not irritated by rough textiles.

This homemade fabric softener does not contain strong odors or harmful substances

Commercial fabric softeners are often rich in strong odors and chemicals that can cause health hazards. For example, people who are sensitive to odors may experience respiratory reactions from strong odors, and allergy sufferers may suffer from skin reactions such as itching and burning.

While the scent of fabric softener may be pleasing, artificial scents can often cause runny nose and other harms. The same phenomenon applies to fabric softeners as with household cleaning products: the disadvantages they cause often appear slowly and only after a long time. Many non-allergy sufferers can become sensitive to strong chemicals over time and reactions can occur even weeks after exposure to a particular chemical.

Many fabric softeners contain phthalates, chemical compounds that prolong the odor of the product. Recent studies have shown that these compounds can cause hormonal changes in the human body.

Indeed, the natural alternative is always the best way to ensure that no side effects occur.

This is how you make a natural, safe fabric softener

Homemade fabric softener is better for health

This natural fabric softener contains simple and inexpensive substances such as baking soda and vinegar that are commonly used to clean your home. Vinegar effectively removes odors, while baking soda cleans and whitens. The combination of these two active ingredients keeps the laundry fresh and soft.


  • 500 ml of water
  • 250 ml of vinegar
  • 65 g baking soda
  • 6 drops of essential oil to your liking

First phase

Mix the vinegar with water. Vinegar is too strong a substance to be used alone, so it should always be diluted with water.

Second stage

Slowly add baking soda and stir. Allow the soda to dissolve in the water little by little, it will start to bubble hard when it comes in contact with the water.

The third stage

Mix well with a spoon and make sure the baking soda is completely dissolved. Add a few drops of your favorite oil to the mixture. Even try roses or other floral scents, or citrus fruits that give your clothes a fresh and clean scent. If you don’t need extra fragrance, you can also leave no oil added.

The fourth stage

Use fabric softener in the same way as in commercial laundry.

The fifth step

Wash the laundry normally. You’ll notice the difference right away: the clothes are soft, fresh and fragrant, with no harmful chemicals!

Other remarks

Clean laundry
  • If you want a thicker mixture, you can add a splash of hair conditioner to the liquid.
  • If the clothes have stains on the neck or armpits, soak the clothes in fabric softener 30 minutes before normal washing. You can also rub the vinegar directly on the stains before washing.
  • If you dye clothes at home and need a product that fixes the colors, you can add a cup of vinegar to the final rinse.

You don’t have to spend tens of euros on harmful rinse aids, you get the same result with a natural and harmless rinse aid. You can easily keep clothes, towels and sheets clean, soft and fresh with this fabric softener.

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