Encephalitis: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Encephalitis usually causes fever, headache and fatigue. It can also cause coma and even death. It is a serious disease that affects children under 1 year of age more often than other groups of people.
Encephalitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Encephalitis is an encephalitis. It is usually caused by a viral infection,  although it can also be caused by many other reasons. It is most often a complication caused by an infectious disease.

Fortunately, encephalitis is not a very common disease. The number of cases has dropped significantly in recent years due to large-scale vaccinations and official vaccination schedules. This disease affects children most of the world’s population. 

Experts estimate that for every 100,000 children, there are 5-10 cases. Unfortunately, most of these cases occur during the first year of life. This is a difficult situation that puts a child at risk of death.

The causes and symptoms of the disease can be confusing, and it is important to detect the disease early to avoid serious consequences. For this reason, in this article we will explain in more detail what encephalitis is, what causes it, and what symptoms and treatments it involves.

What causes encephalitis?

As we have already mentioned, encephalitis is an encephalitis. It can have several different causes, although most cases are caused by a virus. It can also be caused by a bacterial infection.

When the infection occurs directly in the marriages, it is called primary encephalitis. However, it is also possible that the infection begins in another part of the body and then ends up affecting the brain through a transition. It is called secondary encephalitis.

In children, the viruses that cause this disease are most often measles, mumps, and rubella. However, there are vaccines for these diseases. Other causes are:

  • Herpes virus: Encephalitis can be caused by herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr virus, or chickenpox.
  • Water Horror:  This is usually spread through the bite of an animal.
  • Enterovirus:  such as poliomyelitis.
  • Bacterial meningitis: if not treated properly.
  • Parasites.

It is important to emphasize that encephalitis itself is not an infectious disease. However, it is often caused by an infectious disease. It can also be the result of another disease, such as cancer. 

Encephalitis occurs in the brain.
Encephalitis targets brain tissue.

What are the symptoms of encephalitis?

Keep in mind that most cases are caused by a virus and the initial symptoms may vary or be vague. Typically, fatigue, muscle pain, and headaches occur. It usually causes a fever.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms usually become more severe. Symptoms may include seizures, loss of consciousness, and even speech problems. Many people also lose their sensation in some parts of the body.

In babies, it can be very difficult to notice the symptoms. Children normally show irritability and vomiting and do not eat properly. In the most severe cases, encephalitis can lead to coma. Encephalitis can lead to death if left untreated.

Early diagnosis of encephalitis can save lives.

How can encephalitis be treated?

To diagnose the disease,  doctors need to perform various tests and examinations. Blood and urine tests must be done first. This then allows a diagnosis to be made as well as an understanding of the possible causes.

Doctors usually do an MRI or CAT scan to monitor the brain. In some cases, a lumbar puncture is required. In this process, spinal fluid is secreted, which can then confirm the case in a laboratory analysis.

The first step in treating encephalitis is to keep the patient stable and at rest. Treatments include painkillers such as paracetamol as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

What should you do if you suffer from the symptoms of encephalitis?

Although it is difficult to make a diagnosis in a child, certain signs can give you a suspicion of the disease. In adults, these signs include severe headache and fever, as well as changes in some cognitive functions.

There are viruses that cause encephalitis for which there is a specific cure. However, this is not always the case. It is therefore very important that  when you notice the symptoms of encephalitis, you go to the doctor immediately. Encephalitis can be fatal.

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