Are Good Grades The Most Important Thing In A Child’s Schooling?

When a child starts school, grades become commonplace. When a certificate is obtained at a spring or Christmas party, the result can be joy or frustrating disappointment.
Are good grades the most important thing in a child’s schooling?

Grades cause a lot of stress for both parents and children. Supporting learning, asking, and finding answers is often the right choice to promote school success.

Some parents take a child’s grades really seriously – just as an illustration of their own upbringing. However, it is often not understood that grades are just a score for receiving and remembering certain information.

They are related to specific situations and do not always tell about a child’s learning abilities.

School grades indicate things that can be influenced without worry, condemnation, and putting the child at risk.

Are good grades really important?

the child seems to get bad grades

Ratings are conditional. The number is obtained from experiments that all other children do. However, these experiments do not always measure a child’s maturity, interests, or way of learning.

In addition, the grade does not always indicate the effort the child is seeing.  Sometimes ten can come easily.

While it is important that the numbers are not taken too seriously, they do tell you about the child’s interests. For some, math or visual arts is easy, while for others, the Finnish language, geography or exercise.

In any case, it should be remembered that getting through does not always mean learning. In the education system, children are required to pass, but this does not guarantee that the child has learned well.

A low grade is not a characteristic of a child and should not be used to stigmatize a child or demonstrate his or her value as a person – especially in intimidation or punishment.

How can parents help their child succeed in school?

 1. Looking beyond the grade

Parents should evaluate the child’s efforts.  This is the best way to motivate him to continue his efforts and reach his goals.

2. Motivating for everyday chores

Parents don’t have to wait for exam grades to congratulate their child. Acknowledge your child’s effort in everyday life.

If he or she doesn’t succeed in school, it’s worth evaluating what has been done so far to see things that need improvement. The child should be motivated to get their chores done properly and on time.

3. Creating a study schedule

Monitoring the start of a child’s homework is worthwhile so that he or she can make corrections early in the event of mistakes. Help your child get all the necessary study materials and do their homework.

Check to see if she has done all the homework for the day.

4. Leaving the child alone so he can take care of his homework

homework is done among the family

In order for her to receive better grades, it would be worthwhile to provide the child with a quiet environment.  This is how he gets to study and do his homework in peace. Do not allow stimulation to be disturbed, such as by televisions, toys, or electrical appliances.

If you are not at home, make sure your child is still doing homework in a good place. See also that he gets a good rest and sleep.

5. By contacting the teacher regularly

Together, evaluate the things your child should invest in, as well as the learning methods and opportunities for developing them.

If your child needs confirmation, you can find out if supportive education is available.

6. By not threatening or promising

Positive affirmation does not mean that the child should be given gifts as rewards for good grades or other expected things. Instead, offer words of encouragement and congratulations.

Don’t threaten your child or promise things you won’t do.

7. Avoiding requiring a specific grade

Clearly explain what is expected of your child in learning. Encourage him to do his best to get the best results possible. Never require certain numerical results from studying.

Show that ignoring schedules and learning methods has bad consequences.

8. Helping to keep materials in order

This way, the child feels more prepared and can move forward more easily.

9. Helping the two to study topics

Make a list of necessary repairs and decide which substance you are handling, one at a time. In this way, you help your child achieve their goals without getting exhausted or frustrated.

Set a priority, and work in front of it. Then move on to the second thing, and then the next – and so on.

What to do if a child cannot get through?

the bad grades angered the mother
  • Find out the reason. Contact your teacher to get his or her views and to develop a study plan. If the reason for poor success is a lack of effort, you need to monitor your child on a daily basis and try to increase his or her motivation for teachers.
  • Talk calmly to your child. Try to understand why the bad rating came. You can try new learning methods that could help her be more active.
  • Avoid shouting and arguing. This will not make your child improve their performance. Instead, pay attention to the reasons why the results were poor.
  • Strengthen the child’s sense of responsibility. Grades are the result of effort and dedication to study. Don’t take excuses: it’s not the teacher’s fault if he or she doesn’t focus.
  • Avoid comparing your child to schoolmates or siblings. Every child is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Don’t make schoolwork a punishment. This is negative conditioning, and the child associates learning with a bad or boring thing.

Finally, a few more tips

Schooling is a child’s learning, and grades are part of that process. Encourage your child to overcome difficulties. This will give you the best lesson your child can get when it comes to dealing with new challenges.

Once a child’s learning methods have been improved, if grades do not improve, it would be worthwhile to find out if he or she has learning difficulties. You need the help of an expert for this, as the teacher is not enough.

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