Autoimmune Diseases: What Foods To Eat And Avoid

If you suffer from autoimmune diseases, you must follow a diet that suits your needs.
Autoimmune diseases: what foods should be eaten and avoided

In this article, we’ll talk about what autoimmune diseases are, and share some tips on good diet for people suffering from them.  Food plays a very important role in these diseases. It is therefore important to try to improve the functioning of the body by eating right and possibly even find a cure in the diet.

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are caused by the immune system. It attacks the body’s own cells, destroying some organs and tissues. To date, more than 80 autoimmune diseases have been identified. Some of the best known are celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis and MS.

Elderly woman with rheumatism

The “autoimmune protocol” is a means of preventing the effects of autoimmune diseases. It is a diet that helps improve the immune system.

What is the autoimmune protocol?

While this diet is designed for people with autoimmune diseases, it is perfect for everyone else. All foods in this diet are very healthy.

The autoimmune protocol, or AIP diet, has many of the same principles as the paleo diet. The only difference is that the AIP initially removes not only cereals, legumes, dairy products and added sugars, but also other foods that cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Other potentially irritating foods include eggs, dried fruits and nuts, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, spices, coffee and cocoa. As we mentioned, these foods are eliminated only at the beginning of the diet. This gradually improves the intestinal wall and leaking bowel syndrome. These foods are later added back to the diet one at a time to know which ones are causing inflammatory reactions in your body.

Other prohibited foods in autoimmune diseases

First, industrially processed foods must be removed from the diet. They are usually banned in all diets, but they are very particularly bad for people with autoimmune diseases.

We also do not recommend meat products such as sausages, minced meat and cold cuts, nor do we eat excessive salmon or tuna, as they contain a lot of heavy metals.

autoimmune diseases and diet: avoid meat

Effects of AIP diet

Almost everyone who follows this diet will notice a significant improvement or even remission of the disease. This, of course, depends on the type of chronic illness in question.

Since there is no cure for these diseases, this diet should not be followed for only a short time; consider it a lifestyle rather than a temporary diet.

Healthy foods prevent autoimmune diseases

The best foods to fight autoimmune diseases are the ones that get a lot of energy. Gluten-free and carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, cassava, yams, sweet potatoes and tapioca are great options. They are very healthy breakfast choices and can also be added to soups, salads and vegetarian dishes as well as eaten like potato chips.


Foods high in healthy fats such as avocado, fatty fish, seeds and vegetable oils are also great for treating autoimmune diseases. While many people are horrified by fat, the good fats in these foods are important for health. They produce Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are powerful anti-inflammatory substances. However, avoid all fatty foods. It is best not to heat oils and add them directly to food instead.

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