Benefits And Advantages Of Acrobatic Gymnastics

In this article, we will tell you what benefits this unique form of exercise offers to its enthusiast. So keep reading!
Benefits and advantages of acrobatic gymnastics

Today we will talk about the benefits and advantages of acrobatic gymnastics.

Acrobatic gymnastics is also known as acrobatic sports. Acrobatic gymnastics combines both forms of exercise: both acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics.

By reading this article, you will learn what this sport consists of, what kind of movements are made in it, and you will get to know what are the benefits of acrobatic gymnastics for its enthusiast. While the movements it contains may seem complicated, you don’t have to be an Olympic-level gymnast to practice this sport!

What is acrobatic gymnastics?

Acrobatic gymnastics is a performance sport based on gymnastic movements such as volts and flick movements. It also involves choreography with its steps as well as even ballet movements such as pirouettes and tours.

Acrobatic gymnastics originated in the former Soviet Union. In 1974, the first championships in the sport were held, organized by the International Federation of Acrobatic Sports and the International Gymnastics Federation.

Today, acrobatic gymnastics is directed at both children and young people. Also, in many fitness centers  offered akrobatiavoimistelukursseja or they are part of the supply of exercisers of all ages.

What are the benefits and advantages of acrobatic gymnastics?

Some acrobatic sports moves can be done alone, although performances are usually done in pairs or in small groups. Most importantly, however, acrobatic gymnastics offers a wide range of benefits, whether practiced alone or in conjunction with others.

Physical benefits

From a physical point of view, practicing acrobatic gymnastics increases strength and body control, as well as flexibility and coordination. All this promotes muscle tone as well as a better bodily response.

Acrobatic gymnastics is also a strenuous and demanding physical exercise that helps burn fat and calories. It is an ideal sport for those who want to lose weight while maintaining skin firmness.

This species exercises the muscles of the back and especially the lower back. Thanks to this, acrobatic gymnasts often have a strong and good posture. 

Aerobic activity also causes the breathing and heart rate to increase, so acrobatic gymnastics also promotes cardiovascular health.

The benefits of acrobatic gymnastics - it promotes cardiovascular health.
Acorbate gymnastics includes some elements of rhythmic gymnastics, such as movements and postures.

Emotional benefits

Because acrobatic gymnastics is very similar to dance, the benefits it offers are similar to those of dance. It helps deal with stress and disappointment, making you relax and have fun.

According to the study, acrobatic gymnastics helps to improve the self-perception of people with physical and emotional problems , because then they can feel accepted, involved and part of the group.

The movements performed in acrobatic gymnastics are demanding and can cause fear and uncertainty. When a person faces such challenges and overcomes them, he frees himself from his fears and is also able to face other situations or difficulties in his personal life.

Thus, acrobatic gymnastics is a good sport to strengthen self-esteem as well as increase self-development. In this sense, research on the importance of collaboration in physical activities shows that when an individual achieves their goals, other team members also feel that they have achieved their goals.

Social benefits

Performing group movements in acrobatic gymnastics also requires systematicity and cooperation with teammates. This enhances a vital skill that is highly valued today: the ability to work as part of a team.

According to the study, co-operation skills and sociability are skills that also improve when practicing acrobatic gymnastics, as many of its exercises require more than one person.

Other benefits of acrobatic gymnastics

Acrobatic gymnastics helps to improve the sense of rhythm and coordination between hearing and body. For this reason, it is a great sport for working with the sense of posture as well as developing motor skills.

Acrobatic sports also encourage their enthusiasts to be creative, as new ideas are always required for training.

It also reinforces a sense of responsibility as well as leadership skills, as everyone has to commit to the task. In the sport, it is also important to be able to assume the role of captain or team leader.

What kind of exercises does acrobatic gymnastics include?

In competitions, acrobatic gymnastics movements are classified into five groups or categories according to the number of participants and gender:

  • Couples : woman, man and mixed couple.
  • Groups: consist of three women or four men.

However, it is not uncommon for the number and gender of group members to vary in different performances. For example, there could be Trios with three men and one woman, as well as fives, sixes, or groups of more than one participant.

Participants should complete their routine in the required time, which is usually 2.5-3 minutes. However, the time may vary depending on the competition. 

Acrobatic gymnasts should perform a variety of exercises in their routine:

  • The routine should include strength, flexibility and balance exercises, in which case a certain movement or posture should be held for a certain period of time.
  • Dynamic routines that include volts, jumps, spins, throws, and landings.

In general, the movements should include acrobatic and gymnastic elements as well as others involving cooperation with teammates. In competitions, the jury evaluates the performance according to the difficulty of the exercises.

Acrobatic gymnastics increases strength and muscle tone.
In acrobatic gymnastics, a woman and a man can form a duo.

Tips for doing acrobatic gymnastics

If you are interested in acrobatic gymnastics and the benefits it offers, it is important to consider certain recommendations. The most important thing to remember is that if you are not in good shape, you should first improve your physical fitness, as acrobatic gymnastics is a very demanding sport. 

So it is good to join a group at your own level, as team coordination plays an important role. For example, you can search for beginner groups in your area.

As with other sports, it is important to wear the right kind of clothing and footwear in acrobatic gymnastics. It should be practiced in a large, well-ventilated area with a padded floor so that landings and possible falls would not cause serious injury.

Are you interested in acrobatic gymnastics?

When viewed from a distance, acrobatic gymnastics can seem like an interesting and fascinating sport. However, it is good to remember that, just like with all sports, starting acrobatic gymnastics is a gradual process that requires adaptation.

So you have to be patient and take it one step at a time. In addition, one must be able to deal with frustration when things are not going well, and be respectful and understanding if a teammate fails. 

You need to remind yourself that it is important to relax and enjoy instead of stressing about the sport. So remember to have fun!

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