Body Cleansing Drink With Ginger, Apple And Lemon

Accumulation of toxins in the body can have detrimental consequences for health. Therefore, occasional cleansing regimens are an important part of maintaining the overall well-being of our bodies.
Body cleansing drink from ginger, apple and lemon

The spread of various waste products and toxins in the body can cause disturbances in many important organs, and a detoxification course can help restore the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and blood circulation, among other things. The next body cleansing drink from ginger, apple and lemon is inexpensive and easy to prepare, while helping you take better care of your body’s well-being.

What causes the accumulation of toxins in the body?

We are all prone to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, fried and processed foods, as well as air pollution and even some medications equally affect cell function.

There are many different ways for the body to tell us when our body is not all well. Feelings of fatigue, weakness, and laziness, as well as constipation and difficulty breathing, can all be symptoms of toxins accumulated in the body and, in the worst case, indications of even more serious illness.

In addition, even our own bodies can develop toxins against bodily functions, for example as a result of excessive work pressure, stress or depression. Tragic events in our lives, such as the death of a loved one, an accident, or other serious news, can also lead to a deterioration in the health of an emotionally unstable body.

Toxins are found in several foods

Toxins are found in almost all the foods we consume, some contain more and others less. The liver’s function is to remove them from the body by breaking down and digesting toxins, also known as lipopolysaccharides, into simple water-soluble substances that eventually leave the body naturally with fluids.

No matter how effective and healthy the liver may be, it is not always able to break down and digest all the extra waste products and toxins that accumulate in the body as a result of unhealthy lifestyles, which may require a cleansing regimen. To remove accumulated waste products and toxins, it would be recommended to perform a body cleansing regimen once a year.

How to make a body cleansing drink from ginger, apple and lemon?

Among the extensive treatments and regimens aimed at cleansing the body, detox drinks stand out. By adding more health-promoting fruits and medicinal plants to these drinks, the end result is an effective remedy against the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Apple is naturally a powerful antioxidant

This body cleansing detox drink made from ginger, apple and lemon is a great help in removing excess waste products and toxins.


  • 2 large green apples
  • 1 large lemon
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • Water
  • Freeze


  • Wash apples and lemon thoroughly.
  • Cut the apples into small pieces and put them in a blender.
  • Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and grated ginger to the apple and mix the ingredients lightly in a blender. Add as much water as you want, depending on how thick you want the drink to be.
  • Serve the detox drink with plenty of ice to smooth out the pungent taste of ginger. The ice can also be put in a blender, where it is crushed into the drink.

We recommend consuming this detox drink before breakfast to maximize body cleansing and detoxification.

Another way to make a body cleansing drink is from ginger, apple and lemon


  • 3 small green apples
  • Grated lemon zest
  • 2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger


  • Prepare the apple juice by squeezing the apples in a juicer.
  • Add the grated ginger, fresh apple juice and lemon zest to the blender and mix the ingredients together.
  • Enjoy the drink at room temperature. 

We recommend consuming this detox drink especially during fasting.

Health effects of a detox drink made from ginger, apple and lemon

In addition to cleansing the body, this detox drink made from ginger, apple and lemon has a variety of health effects:

  • Ginger is known as a healing medicinal plant and is still an important part of many herbal natural treatments around the world. In addition to its health effects, the unique and strong taste of ginger has also made it a popular ingredient in cooking and health drinks.
Vitamin C strengthens the body's natural resistance
  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which improves the body’s natural resistance and prevents colds and related symptoms. In addition to its cleansing and detoxifying properties, lemon has become an almost indisputable part of detox drinks. 
  • Apple contains a large amount of quercetin, which is a powerful natural antioxidant and flavonoid. The antioxidants in quercetin fight against the increase in free radicals, which also slows down the premature aging of the skin. In other words, the apple is one of the most versatile health-promoting fruits of the plant.
  • A detox drink made from lemon, apple and ginger is thus a perfect blend of body cleansing and detoxifying properties. In addition, the combination of these three superfoods helps strengthen the body’s natural resistance.

The health effects of this detox drink do not end there, as in addition to all the health effects mentioned above, apple and ginger also act as an effective aid to those suffering from indigestion such as slow digestion and constipation. In addition, a high intake of apple and ginger lowers cholesterol levels and the number of fat cells in both adipose tissue and blood circulation.

A detox drink made from ginger, apple and lemon is a great option both to supplement occasional fasting and as a regular pre-breakfast drink.

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