Butterflies In The Stomach: Possible Causes

When there is a feeling of emptiness or vacuum in our stomach, it can be worrying. When this happens, talk to your doctor.
Butterflies in the stomach: possible causes

Everyone has sometimes felt like there are butterflies in their stomachs. It happens to everyone and is associated with nervousness. It is sometimes said that it is a feeling that our “other brains” give us.

But it’s not the same thing if the feeling lasts a long time. It is no longer a small problem if butterflies have been in the stomach for some time and are associated with pain. This can be caused by stress or digestive problems. Some diseases also report themselves in this way.

In this article, we’ll go through some possible reasons for that. If you are worried or concerned, talk to your doctor. He will give you the right diagnosis and help.

I have butterflies in my stomach. Why?

First, there are a wide variety of emotions that can occur in the stomach. Usually we know why we feel pain or are nervous.

When we eat a certain food, we know how we feel after that. Temporary stress can also affect the stomach. Nervousness and stress can cause harm to our digestive system. We may have a feeling of discomfort, hunger may be in the way, or we may even suffer from diarrhea.

If we have severe pain, we know for sure that this is a bigger problem. Let’s see what kind of ailments pain can be associated with.

butterflies in the stomach for stomach problems


Feeling of butterflies in the stomach is one of the main symptoms of gastritis. The feeling is then intense and lasts all day.

The intensity of the feeling makes you tired. It also causes other types of problems, for example, it may even prevent us from standing.

  • The sensation is due to irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is a membrane that runs around the entire abdomen. Many people have had problems with it at some point in their lives. Gastric catarrh is an ailment that begins with an infection.
  • There are other factors that can irritate the gastric mucosa. Some of them are alcohol, fatty foods and medicines.
  • There are other symptoms associated with gastritis. These include: fever, chills, vomiting, dizziness and chills, and, in severe cases, blood in the stools or vomiting.

It is important to get the right kind of treatment for gastritis. It must also be remembered that children can also suffer from this. If your child has butterflies or abdominal pain, he or she should be taken to a doctor.

Gastric ulcer

As we said earlier, there are many types of pain. Here’s one that’s easy to identify.

  • The feeling of butterflies in the stomach 1-3 hours after eating is in most cases due to a stomach ulcer.
gastric ulcer

This is what it is about: stomach acids have corroded part of the inner surface of the stomach.

  • A feeling of butterflies in the stomach or abdominal pain appears after eating or at night. It can prevent you from getting proper sleep.
  • The most common cause of a stomach ulcer is Helicobacter pylori. But some NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, can also cause it.
  • It should also be remembered that stress and spicy foods tend to make the effort worse.

How can the feeling be eased?

As we mentioned, first you need to talk to your doctor. He is the right person to give diagnosis and treatment instructions. To treat the symptoms, you must first know what is causing it.

There are some home tricks to alleviate the feeling. They are helpful if you have problems with gastritis or a stomach ulcer.

aloe vera

Here are some simple things you can try:

  • Drink room temperature water mixed with a tablespoon of honey. The water should by no means be hot or cold.
  • Drink juice from uncooked organic carrots.
  • Drink ginger tea. It can be therapeutic. Ginger tea relieves pain and improves well-being.
  • Coconut water is also good.
  • Potato juice has been used for ages and times to treat stomach ulcers. To make it, grate the potatoes with a grater with medium holes. Then squeeze the grated potato to get the juice from it.
  • Aloe vera is also very helpful in these ailments. You can try drinking aloe vera tea a couple of times a day.
  • Papaya and pears are also very good. They make you feel better when we have stomach problems.

Be sure to monitor your diet. You should try to avoid fatty foods and other foods that will aggravate your condition. You should always find out why you feel butterflies in your stomach.

Remember that your health should come first.

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