Can’t Lose Weight? Find Out Why!

To get to the heart of this mystery, you need to find out if the problem is hereditary or the result of a poor diet. Sometimes it can be a matter of hormonal imbalance.
Can't you lose weight?  Find out why!

You may have tried a dozen different diets, go to a nutritionist, or practiced different forms of exercise, but you haven’t managed to lose weight, or at least not to the extent you want. You’re probably wondering why it’s so hard to get the weight off and what you could do to change the situation.

Read the reasons why you don’t lose weight despite your diet.

The cause of your weight loss problems may be, for example, your inherited or unhealthy lifestyles. Even your hormones may be the reason you are unable to shed pounds.

It’s time to find a solution so you can stop dysfunctional diets and exercise routines. They cause frustration, depression, anger, anxiety and more.

Find out where the problem lies

If you exercise regularly and eat right and still can’t lose weight, it’s a good idea to find out first where the problem may lie.

Evaluate your individual characteristics to better assess your metabolism; metabolism can also be a problem.

A good method for this is this short but accurate query:

  • Do you find it difficult to lose weight even if you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise?
  • Are you taking thyroid medication, antidepressant medication, insulin medication, antihypertensive medication, steroid medication, or anticonvulsant medication?
  • Have you recently felt particularly sensitive to the cold, suffered from sudden changes in body temperature, constipation, fatigue, dry or pale skin, poor memory, thinning hair, or difficulty concentrating?
why you can’t lose weight
  • When you measure your waist circumference, is it more than 89 cm (women) or 96 cm (men)?
  • Do you have any of the following: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or higher than normal triglyceride levels?
  • Do you accumulate the most fat on your hips and thighs?
  • Have you suffered from mood swings, irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, hot flashes, excessive sweating, or dryness of the genital areas?

If you answer yes to at least two of the above questions, you will probably find it more difficult to lose weight.

Find out why you can’t lose weight

Some of the medications listed above may cause you to gain weight or prevent weight loss, no matter how many calories you eat or consume. Talk to your doctor, he or she may be able to recommend some alternative treatment.

Potential thyroid problems should also be considered. It becomes clear to many people that they have thyroid problems at a time when it is impossible for them to lose weight (or else they will lose weight too much and too quickly).

When the thyroid gland is not working properly, you may suffer from symptoms such as cold sensitivity, fatigue, constipation, thinning hair, and poor memory function. If you suspect that you have problems with your thyroid gland or have a family history of thyroid problems, you can test your gland function with a blood test.

why not be able to lose weight successfully

Metabolic syndrome is also a common health condition in which the blood sugar balance is disturbed, causing more fat to be stored in the body than normal.

Other factors must also be considered: if more fat accumulates in the abdomen than elsewhere, your triglyceride levels may be elevated. Pay attention to your blood pressure.

These factors may be greatly affected by genetics, so talk to your doctor. And keep in mind that poor diet, lack of exercise, and alcohol and tobacco overuse can make the situation worse.

One of the above questions was aimed specifically at women, as estrogen levels affect how easy it is for a woman to lose weight.

If you use birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, your body may produce more estrogen than normal, which easily builds up fat on your hips and thighs. Other possible symptoms include mood swings, excessive sweating, vaginal dryness, and breast tenderness.

Talk to your gynecologist. If your mirror image resembles the shape of a pear – meaning your body is clearly widening at your hips, this may be an indication that your estrogen levels are too high and you will therefore find it difficult to get rid of annoying “riding breeches”.

why can't you lose weight

There is a solution to every problem

Once you’ve figured out why you’re struggling with weight loss, it’s time to make a plan to change that.

Thyroid problem

In addition to the right kind of medication (prescribed by your doctor), you need to reduce your calorie intake, eat more fiber, avoid processed and processed foods, choose lean meats, eat iodine-rich foods, increase your physical activity, and reduce stress.

Metabolic syndrome

Reduce your intake of processed and processed foods, eat more fiber, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day (Monday through Friday), quit smoking and reduce alcohol use, reduce stress, and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

You should regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as your triglyceride levels and blood sugar.

Problems with estrogen levels

If your estrogen levels are high, eat more fiber, choose soy products instead of meat (preferably organic) and take a multivitamin daily. Perform a moderate or heavy aerobic workout at least twice a week, and supplement the workout with weight training to develop muscles.

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