Clean Clogged Blood Vessels With Pomegranate Drink

Clean the blockages in the blood vessels with a pomegranate drink

Many of us are concerned about vascular function and clogged arteries, the main cause of which is poor eating habits and lack of exercise. A poor lifestyle increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood that builds up in the walls of blood vessels, making them cramped and less flexible. If you are worried about your blood vessels and high cholesterol, pomegranate will clear clogged blood vessels in addition to making the drink made from it healthy and tasty. 

Pomegranate is native to Central Asia and has been cultivated in the Caucasus and Mediterranean regions for several millennia. The plant is also called carthage economist. Its fruit has been a symbol of fertility in many cultures because of its innumerable seeds.

According to a recent study, pomegranate juice can prevent and treat hardening of the arteries caused by fat deposits, or cholesterol. Poor arteries increase blood pressure and the risk of stroke and heart symptom. Pomegranate juice can help remove blockages in blood vessels.

The study gave pomegranate extract over a long period of time to rodents with vascular problems. At the end of the study, it was found that consuming pomegranate slowed the formation of additional blockages in the blood vessels and prevented them from hardening.

Pomegranate was also found to have other health benefits:

  • Pomegranate reduces the strain on blood oxidation.
  • It reduces the amount of harmful proteins and chemical messengers in the blood, which often leads to inflammation and irritation in the blood vessels.
  • It can relieve heart enlargement due to high blood pressure.
  • Pomegranate prevents the accumulation of fat in the heart muscle.
  • Pomegranate balances an abnormal ECG trace.

Why is a pomegranate good for the heart and blood vessels?

blockages in the blood vessels

The benefits of pomegranate are due to its high antioxidant content, which consists especially of vitamin C and polyphenols. According to Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, one of the biggest causes of cardiovascular disease is vitamin C deficiency.

In addition, pomegranate has an anti-inflammatory effect, which plays an important role in the prevention of heart disease. Thus, pomegranate can lower high blood pressure, facilitate blood circulation and enhance resistance, as well as prevent inflammation.

Pomegranate juice can lower cholesterol and clear blockages in blood vessels

Try this powerful pomegranate and apple juice that is high in flavonoids, tannins and fiber. These ingredients reduce poor quality cholesterol in the blood and cleanse limescale in the blood vessels.


  • 3 apples
  • 1 pomegranate

Preparation instructions

Wash the apples and pomegranate well to remove the toxins from their peel. Peel a pomegranate and cut it into blocks like apples. Place the blocks in a blender, pour a drop of water after them, mix evenly and enjoy immediately.

Other benefits of pomegranate juice

blockages of blood vessels

Regular consumption of pomegranate juice not only cleanses the blood vessels, but also has many other beneficial effects on the body. These include:

  • The antioxidants in pomegranate act all over the body.  Antioxidants fight the effects of free radicals such as air pollutants and chemicals. Free radicals age cells and cause malignant cell changes that can develop into cancer. Antioxidants prevent their effect and take care of the cells, so the body does not age prematurely and stays healthy. Pomegranate reduces oxidative stress in blood vessels, and this can reduce circulatory damage by up to 44%.
  • Pomegranate has anticarcinogenic effect.  Pomegranate antioxidants can act as a cancer prevention and control. Of course, pomegranate juice cannot cure cancer, but it can slow the spread of cancer and the growth of tumors. Namely, antioxidants destroy malignant cells. Studies show that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day can slow the spread of prostate cancer, for example. 
  • Pomegranate help for weight loss. Pomegranate juice can support weight loss as it speeds up the metabolism and the consequent burning of fat. Pomegranate juice should be consumed as part of a healthy diet and regular exercise plan. Pomegranate removes toxins and fluids from the body, making you feel more energetic and well-being.
  • Pomegranate enhances resistance. The antioxidants in pomegranate make it a great help in supporting the functioning of the immune system. Pomegranate can enhance resistance and prevent the occurrence of the flu and other inflammatory diseases.

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