Clean The Liver In A Week

Clean the liver in a week

The liver is one of the most important organs throughout the body. The liver has an incredible ability to regenerate and cleanse the body of toxins, protect the body from inflammation and filter out harmful substances. It is for this reason that the liver is also very prone to suffer from the effects of poor diet, toxic habits such as smoking, and even the side effects of negative emotions and stress. In this article, we will tell you how you can improve your liver health and cleanse your overloaded liver in seven days.

How do I know if my liver is overloaded?

There are many clear signs that the liver may be ill and may be overloaded. If you find yourself suffering from any of the following symptoms, it is time to cleanse your liver.

  • Poor functioning digestion.  The role of the liver in digestion is important. Digestive problems, constipation, abdominal pain and flatulence can be signs of problems with liver function.
  • Mood.  Hepatic impairment directly affects mood and can cause irritability, restlessness, anger, and stress.
  • Dark under-eye circles.
  • Pain in right eye.
  • Yellowish color of skin and eyeballs.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Allergies and skin problems.

This is how you prepare for a week’s cleansing regimen

Because it takes a full seven days to cleanse the liver, it is important to follow the instructions below carefully. Avoid strenuous exercise or other effort, binge eating, or dieting for a week before and a week after a course to avoid severe reactions from the body to cleanse. If you are taking medication or suffering from a health problem, talk to your doctor about a cleansing regimen before taking it.

Sometimes cleansing the liver causes side effects such as headaches, fatigue, low-grade fever, or diarrhea.  However, these symptoms should disappear soon after stopping the course, so if the ailments persist, make an appointment with your doctor.

Prohibited foods

During the cleansing week, completely eliminate the following substances from your diet:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried, greasy foods
  • Red meat
  • Ready meals, frozen meals
  • Dairy products
  • White sugar
  • Artificial sweeteners

How to cleanse the liver in a week

Daily rhythm:

Before breakfast

As soon as you wake up in the morning, your body has been without nutrition all night. During the night, the body cleanses, regenerates and repairs, and rests to gather energy for the next day. It is very important to pay attention to what we eat as soon as we wake up on an empty stomach.

During the cleansing regimen, you should first drink two glasses of warm water in the morning and then enjoy a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil. You can mix the ingredients together or enjoy them separately, as long as you take all the ingredients before the actual breakfast. These easy means effectively awaken the body to a new day, put the vital functions in an active state and ensure that the stomach works properly throughout the day.

Lemon juice is ingested during the liver cleansing course


After half an hour of drinking water, oil and lemon juice, it’s time to eat breakfast. It is important to allow water and other ingredients to be properly absorbed before breakfast, so even sip in the shower before breakfast. Start your day with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice – if you crave the sweetness of a bitter grapefruit, you can add a drop of honey or stevia to the set.

Choose one of these three options and vary between them for a week depending on what you like and what is readily available.

  • Breakfast 1: Fruit drink with either rice or oat drink, add apple, pear, pineapple or banana. Mix to drink a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, a tablespoon of bee pollen, a handful of plums and ground almonds.
  • Breakfast 2:  Toast with tahini (sesame paste) and avocado.
  • Breakfast 3:  Sandwich from wholemeal bread or tortilla.
Breakfast drink to cleanse the liver


It is not meant to starve during a liver cleansing course, as the goal is to cleanse the body, not to lose weight. If you feel hungry between breakfast and lunch, enjoy a handful of dried fruits, nuts or fresh fruit.

If hunger isn’t yet itching on your stomach, still make a tea extract from one of the following herbs and enjoy it before lunch. The herbs can be grown and collected yourself or bought from the health store dried.
  • Boldo
  • Mariehamn
  • Dandelion


The lunch meal is based on three different dishes that can be combined according to your own mind and taste.

  • Appetizer. Gazpacho soup, salad or fried apples.
  • Main course.  Brown rice, Quinoa, wholemeal pasta, millet or fried / boiled potatoes.
  • Protein. Fish, light meat (chicken or turkey) or vegetables.

You can add olive oil, sea salt and vinegar to the dishes to give it a flavor. Do not use greasy salad dressings or butter. Finish off your meal with one of the tea extracts mentioned above.

A healthy meal during liver cleansing

Afternoon snack

If your stomach is squeaking and you can’t wait until dinner, sip nuts or fruit just like before lunch and enjoy the third and final herbal extract of the day.


If liver health is important to you, dinner should be light and not eaten unnecessarily late. When you return home from work, it’s a good time to enjoy dinner. If you eat very late in the evening, it complicates the liver cleansing process that takes place in the wee hours of the morning, after the day’s digestion is over. Late dinner prolongs the digestive process and thus also the cleansing of the liver.

Try a light vegetable soup, salad or fried vegetables. You can add flaxseed oil, seaweed or wheat germ to the set. If you are still hungry after a meal, eat a fried or boiled egg, rice or cornbread.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances during the course and skip the toughest gym classes and gym trips. Take half an hour of brisk walks, but don’t strain yourself any more. After a week, you can return to your normal daily rhythm and diet, but be sure to continue to eat healthily and leave out excess sugar, fat and additives.

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