Digestion And Emotional Problems

You may have sometimes noticed that emotional problems affect your stomach function. If this happens, you should use the right kind of natural products and adopt ways that prevent digestive problems from getting worse.
Digestion and emotional problems

Digestive function and its problems such as acidity, heartburn, reflux, flatulence, swelling or constipation are always associated with your diet. The nutrition you eat and drink is linked to most of your health problems, and this is especially true of indigestion . However, it should also be borne in mind here that your emotional life can also greatly affect digestive function, as some emotions are often the source of common digestive problems.

In this article, we focus on the connection between digestive function and emotional problems. We will give you instructions on how to implement natural treatments at home, and you will also get good tips to help you improve your digestion function as well as your overall quality of life.

Digestive function

The human brain is clearly linked to digestion. The brain communicates to digestion and vice versa, and thus the well-being of these two areas thus always also depends on each other. Thus, if your digestion receives a negative nerve stimulus, this negativity also manifests itself in the digestive function itself. In the same way, the brain reacts, for example, if you have not been able to process the food you eat properly, and the effect is felt in your mood.

Nonetheless, and while the situation may sometimes seem very difficult, the negative perimeter of digestion and emotional life can be affected by positive thinking. This is because a positive mind helps with digestion, which in turn affects the state of mind by balancing it.

yoga and digestive function


Stress and poor digestion

Who wouldn’t have ever felt irritated after some experience that was very uncomfortable.  The human body functions beneath the surface on very simple instincts for survival, and it is clear that digestive function is not the primary focus in a stressful situation. So human activity is very clear in this way, and in that sense we are like animals. So it happens that when a person finds himself in some alarming situation, he prepares for the escape of his body. In this case, other less important body functions, such as digestive function, remain secondary.

Because of this, it also happens that if stress lasts for a longer period of time (which for the body is like a prolonged emergency), it is likely to suffer from digestive problems. In this case, the body focuses on coping with a difficult situation at the expense of secondary functions.

What emotions negatively affect a person’s digestion?

In addition to stress, there are other emotional states that easily affect a person’s digestive fluency.

  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Tension
  • Anger or rage

However, not all people who experience these feelings suffer from obvious digestive problems in the same way. However, if you have ever experienced something similar, you should be aware of this cause-and-effect relationship so that you can make yourself easier. This is especially important if you have already made the necessary changes to your diet, but your digestive problems just keep going.

anxious girl


The most common emotional indigestion

The most common digestive problems, mainly due to psychosomatic causes, are:

  • Indigestion or most commonly poor digestion
  • IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Colitis
  • Gastritis
  • Hernia
  • Ulcer

Natural treatments for digestive problems

Once you understand that you are suffering from a digestive problem because you have an emotional problem,  you should focus not only on the diet but also on the emotions themselves and the situation that affects them. Here, it is best to turn to a holistic therapist who is able to take into account the whole situation you are experiencing, and this includes diet, lifestyle as well as psychological factors. You may also be able to ease your stomach situation yourself, so you may want to try some effective natural products.

  • Medicinal plants with relaxing properties. These plants can help balance the nervous system, and the best known of these are lemon,,.
  • Natural nutritional supplements and foods that help the nervous system. These include rice, whole grains, brewer’s yeast, nuts, green vegetables, dates, chickpeas and bananas.
  • Avoid all foods that irritate, stimulate, or cause changes in your nervous system or digestion. These include roasted coffee, carbonated drinks, guarana, alcohol, white sugar, and food additives (preservatives, colors, and flavors).
  • Make sure you get exercise at least three times a week. You can play a tougher sport or some less stressful sport, depending on what works best for you.
  • Surround yourself with nature. This should be done at least once a week.
man walking


Eat in peace

If you have already noticed that your emotional problems are also negatively reflected in your digestive function, you should take advantage of some easy tricks to ease the situation.  So in addition to treatments, you should also change your habits so that you can make your digestive function easier.

It is very important that when you eat, you follow some basic rules that have a big impact on your digestion.

  • Eat alone or with a good friend.
  • Don’t talk about unpleasant topics, nor do you talk about very important things.
  • Avoid eating in areas that make you stressed, such as your workplace or any other place that prevents relaxation.
  • Do not force yourself to eat if you are not relaxed. It is best to wait a little while.
  • Do not eat in a hurry, standing or doing other things.
The images are from the following sources: Alessandra, Marketing Deluxe and Relaxing Music.

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