Eyelash Extensions And Strengthening At Home

Eyelash extensions and strengthening at home

Eyelashes make the eyes beautiful and beautiful lashes attract attention.  At the same time, taking good care of your lashes will ensure that they remain beautiful and symmetrically even from year to year. Regular lash maintenance will ensure that your lashes do not break or thin out. In this article, we will share tips to help you grow and strengthen your lashes at home.

Like hair, lashes are made up of keratin, which is responsible for the flexibility and strength of lashes. Melanin pigments, on the other hand, give the lashes their characteristic color, which often mimics the color of the wearer’s hair. Just like hair, lashes break and fall off over time and new ones grow in their place. However, eyelash extensions are a slow process.

UV rays and extreme conditions such as intense heat or cold can affect the condition of your lashes, making them brittle, dry and weak. Some mascara adds protective and caring ingredients to help keep your lashes safe from the side effects of the environment. However, be sure to remove eye makeup and especially mascara carefully every night before going to bed. If mascara is also kept while sleeping, it may cause your lashes to shrink.

Many different natural products can be used to treat your lashes, which are completely safe and chemical-free. These substances can even stimulate the growth of lashes and make them stronger and thicker. When you take care of your lashes, they don’t strain the use of eye makeup, but stay beautiful from day to day.

Eyelash extensions and strengthening with natural products

Eyelash extensions with castor oil.


If you dream of long and beautiful lashes, there are a few tricks for accelerating lash growth.

  • Try traditional olive oil, all you need is a little touch directly on your lashes before going to bed. Be careful not to apply oil to the lash line as it may feel disgusting when in contact with the eyes. Olive oil moisturizes the lashes and prevents them from breaking.
  • If you crave lashes, heat a small drop of castor oil in a microwave or stove, and gently apply it to the lash tops every night. Let it work overnight. This is one of the most popular lash treatments and you will soon notice how strong and thick your lashes grow.
  • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the eyelashes, which makes them strong and beautiful. In addition, this acid stimulates their growth.
  • To lengthen your lashes, we recommend trying the following conditioner for lashes: mix castor oil, almond oil and avocado oil (all the same, a small drop is enough) together in a small container, and swipe on the lashes every night before going to bed. Go through the lashes gently and avoid contact with the eyes.
  • Treat your lashes from the inside by trying this healthy, lash-strengthening drink: six carrots and four oranges from the juice and add two tablespoons of flower pollen and a tablespoon of honey to the juice. Mix well and drink a glass every morning for two months. The treatment helps to strengthen the lashes and you start to gradually notice the difference. The vitamins in the juice work wonders for your rappers.
  • Rub a drop of Vaseline on your fingers and apply to your lashes gently rubbing. Let Vaseline work overnight and clean your lashes in the morning when you wake up. Allow the lashes to dry and apply makeup as usual.
  • Rose oil has a great hair, skin and eyelash care effect. Try it if you want to accelerate the rate of eyelash growth.
  • Mix the same amount of glycerin and castor oil together in a small container and apply it to the lashes every day. Remember to be careful not to get the conditioner in your eyes.
  • If you want your lashes to be supple and beautifully curved, try treating them with chamomile extract. Prepare the chamomile tea as usual and when it has cooled down, swim the cotton swab in the tea and apply pressure to the eyes. In addition to lashes, chamomile treats sensitive skin around the eyes.
  • Various lash treatment sera are also available in stores today. You can try these to improve the condition of your lashes.

Remember also:

Take care of your lashes.


A varied and healthy diet takes care of the whole body, including the eyelashes. A proper diet that includes enough magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 will help keep your lashes beautiful and healthy. You can get the above-mentioned ingredients e.g. liver, chicken, pork, dried beans, whole grains and many vegetables and fruits.

Try the methods for eyelash care we mentioned in this article and soon you will notice the difference. Eat well, treat your lashes with oils and protect them from the harmful effects of the environment. If you use a lot of eye makeup and mascara, choose gentle and caring products, and always remember to remove makeup at the end of the day. As you can see, natural products are easy to grow and strengthen with natural products at home.

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