Fatty Foods You Can Eat At Any Time

When we eat some fatty foods, we don’t gain weight, but they actually help keep it under control while promoting better cardiovascular health.
Fatty foods that you can eat at any time

We combine weight loss and cardiovascular health with a diet that generally avoids all fatty foods. However, there are some fatty foods that you should eat regularly.

It is important to remember that fats are one of the nutrients your body needs to function properly. In that sense, healthy fats are vital to maintaining energy as well as a healthy and beautiful appearance.

The fats that should be removed from the diet to promote weight loss are poor quality fats as they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and pose a risk to cardiovascular health.

Keep reading and find out which foods are high in oils and what foods you should eat regularly.

1. Avocados

Avocados are fatty fruits. They have become trendy in recent years, making them easy to find at a relatively cheap price.

Medium-sized avocado contains about 24 g of oil and 40% of its weight is fiber. Thanks to these two factors alone, it is an ideal ingredient for salads, smoothies and just as such.

Thanks to its creamy texture, it can be used in salad dressings, replacing sauces rich in sodium as well as preservatives. We recommend eating half an avocado daily.

2. Pecans

fatty foods: nuts

Pecans are also fatty. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, so they help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and also improve the health of the circulatory system.

It is recommended to eat a small dose of nuts several times a week. Because nuts are also high in carbohydrates, it is a good idea to limit the amount of pecans you eat to five nuts at a time. Eat them as a snack or dessert and add protein along to keep your glucose levels in balance.

When buying pecans, choose a natural option. If you buy them with their shells, make sure they do not contain salt or other ingredients that could be harmful to your health.

3. Cheese

Cheese is not generally considered a fatty food. That’s what it is – however, whether you choose the light or low-fat option. Its fat content consists of whole milk from which it is made.

Avoid mixing cheese with other fatty ingredients, be it salad dressing, other vegetable oils or fried foods. However, you can combine it with other healthy ingredients to create a balanced dose. Combining cheese, vegetables and cereals is a great way.

4. Fatty fish and Omega-3

Sardines and salmon are good examples of fatty foods. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamins. In addition, they are very common in the Mediterranean diet.

When frying these fish, avoid adding fat. Instead, choose dishes baked or steamed in the oven.

5. Vegetable oils


Other oils that you should regularly include in your diet are actually vegetable oils. These include olive oil, coconut oil and other good quality oils.

However, avoid frying food in them. No matter how natural and healthy these oils are, heating changes their composition.

A good option for utilizing vegetable oils is to use them as a salad dressing. 1-2 teaspoons is a good amount of vegetable oil.

Keep this in mind when eating fatty foods

Oils should definitely be part of your diet and they are good for your health. The most important thing is to know the dose levels. Remember that too much is always too much and bad for your health, not so much the ingredients themselves.

It is always a good idea to vary the type of natural oils you use, even if only to vary your own routine.

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