Good Reasons To Start Eating Quinoa

Quinoa is suitable for all kinds of diets because it is healthy in many ways and does not contain gluten. It can be eaten as grains or shoots.
Good reasons to start eating quinoa

Have you already tasted quinoa? You’ve probably noticed that quinoa has become quite popular in recent years. But you may not know that there are very good reasons for its popularity. In this article, we present good reasons to start eating quinoa.

Some say a gluten-free diet is good for health. One of the best foods for the gluten sensitive is Quinoa.

Quinoa can be eaten as a rice substitute in all colors (red, white and black). If you want to get all the benefits from it, you can also eat its leaves using them like spinach. All you have to do is plant a few quinoa grains.

The nutritional content of quinoa

Quinoa is made up of complex carbohydrates. 100 grams of quinoa contains:

  • 16 g of protein
  • 15 g of insoluble fiber
  • 200 kilocalories
  • 39 g of carbohydrates
  • 4 g of fat

This makes quinoa a very satisfying diet that helps to curb weight gain. In addition, its composition is perfect for satisfying the craving for pasta or rice.

In addition to the above, the quino has a lot:

  • Minerals (magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus)
  • Vitamins (Group B, E)
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6

Start eating quinoa!

1. It helps in weight loss

Quinoa helps in weight loss

The first reason to start eating quinoa is that it contains relatively few calories. In addition, some foods are known to speed up metabolism by suppressing appetite. According to some, Quinoa is one of these dishes.

Another reason why Quinoa helps to lose weight is its high protein content. Protein helps reduce moods and hunger by keeping you saturated for longer. In addition, its glycemic index is low, so blood sugar stays more even.

2. Contains a lot of antioxidants

Antioxidants are very important foods for health. The reason for this is that they are fighting free radicals. Free radicals accelerate the aging process and affect e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

Quinoa is high in antioxidants. Most of them are in plant shoots, so add shoots to salads if possible.

3. High in fiber

reasons to start eating quinoa

One reason to start eating quinoa is that it contains more fiber than other grains. We recommend eating quinoa regularly, especially if you have:

  • Recurrent constipation
  • Cardiovascular problems such as high or low blood pressure
  • Hemorrhoids

A high-fiber diet also keeps your blood sugar steady. If your doctor has diagnosed you with pre-diabetes or diabetes, we recommend eating quinoa instead of pasta or rice.

4. Perfect for gluten sensitive people

It can be difficult for people who are sensitive to gluten to eat a variety of foods. One option is to eat quinoa regularly. It’s just as good a choice as corn or potatoes.

In fact, it can even be found in larger stores as a substitute for pasta. It is delicious and easy like regular pasta, but does not cause health problems.

5. It produces manganese

Quinoa can be used in place of rice or pasta

Only a couple of decades of quinoa get a third of a day’s need for manganese. Manganese is not talked about very often, but it is very important for the good functioning of the metabolism.

Manganese helps enzymes and antioxidants to be absorbed by the body. So if you are trying to improve your diet, pay special attention to your manganese intake.

6. It makes iron

Everyone already knows that iron is vital to the body. It assists in important body functions such as the formation of hemoglobin and the distribution of oxygen in the body through the bloodstream.

So eating iron-rich foods is essential, and Quinoa is a great option. To keep you from getting bored of it, you can also eat its shoots and leaves. Add them to salads with or instead of spinach.

7. It is high in magnesium

Fiber and mineral are good reasons to start eating quinoa

Quinoa cooked in a couple of decis is almost a third of the daily need for magnesium. This essential mineral helps more than 300 enzymes do their job and is found in healthy cells.

Low levels of magnesium can cause:

  • Varicose veins
  • Heart problems
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure

Here were good reasons to start eating quinoa if it’s not already part of your diet. It is easy to manufacture and fits almost anything. Quino is easy to like!

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