Health Benefits And Nutritional Composition Of Peas

Peas have many health benefits. First, they are an excellent source of fiber and help reduce the risk of constipation. They are also quite satisfying. Read more about them in this article!
Health benefits and nutritional composition of peas

The health benefits of peas are many. They are healthy foods that nutritionists recommend adding to almost any type of diet. The results are evident in the medium term as long as they are eaten as part of a balanced diet.

Peas belong to the genus Pea plants, so they have many characteristics of pea plants. According to experts, legumes should be eaten at least once a week. Higher consumption of legumes has been associated with a lower risk of multifactorial diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Nutritional value of peas

100 grams of peas contain 31 kilocalories, which means it is not a very energy-rich food. As for macronutrients, the same amount of peas contains 7 grams of carbohydrates and 1.8 grams of protein. This means that there is virtually no fat in the peas.

This legume stands out because of its water and fiber content. Indeed, many of the health benefits of peas are due to its fiber.

Of the micronutrients, vitamin A (690 milligrams) and vitamin B9 (33 milligrams) stand out. Peas also contain 6 milligrams of sodium and a significant dose of 12.2 milligrams of vitamin C.

Peas and legumes are a good addition to your diet
Legumes can be part of a normal diet, at least once a week.

Health benefits of peas in the diet

Read below about the health benefits of peas and what science says about eating peas.

1. Reduction of intestinal problems

Eating fiber is associated with a lower risk of constipation, as it improves the passage of waste through the intestines and makes defecation regular and effortless.

This nutrient has also been found to be effective against bowel cancer. It increases the mass of the stool and carries away waste products that could get stuck in the intestinal walls because the body is unable to digest them. In this way, it prevents them from damaging the tissue.

In addition, regular fiber intake fills up, so it reduces snacking between meals and makes it easier to stay on a diet.

2. Health benefits of peas: regulates the fats eaten

Some foods may slightly reduce plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels. This may be associated with decreased cardiovascular risk.

It is clear that fiber partially inhibits the absorption of certain nutrients, such as fat and cholesterol, at least according to a study published in the Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej . In this way, the synthesis of these elements stimulates endogenously, and thus the regulation is quite efficient.

Fiber also has a similar regulatory effect on the absorption of carbohydrates, as it delays the entry of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. It can be an effective strategy in diabetes management.

3. Health benefits of peas: improvement of the immune system

As mentioned above, peas contain a significant amount of vitamin C. According to current scientific evidence, this nutrient can improve the functioning of the immune system.

Scientific evidence shows that a single gram dose of this nutrient a day helps prevent the onset of certain infectious diseases, such as the flu. It also shortens the duration of symptoms when the disease is on.

The health benefits of canned peas are the same as those of fresh peas
Canned peas retain all the nutritional properties and speed up food preparation.

How to prepare peas for maximum benefits

Cooking peas is actually quite simple. They should be cooked before consumption – keep in mind that the slower the cooking process, the better the end result.

The best way to do this is to put them in a saucepan with the glazed vegetables and add enough water. Then set the correct temperature to allow the liquid to begin to boil and allow to cook for about an hour until soft.

Note that most pea varieties require pre-soaking for at least 24 hours.

The good news is that peas can also be found ready-made in cans and frozen. They can be used in salads, bean paste and even fried with bacon, for example.

By experimenting, you will find your favorite way to make peas.

Peas are recommended for their health benefits

As discussed above, health experts highly recommend peas for a balanced diet. This legume contains essential nutrients for the body and significant amounts of fiber.

It also stands out because of its versatility: peas can easily be tried to be added to many different dishes. Pots are the classic option, but peas are also surprisingly good for salads and wokes.

Canned and frozen peas are also suitable, as their nutritional properties are preserved and they are easy to add to all kinds of dishes.

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