Health Benefits Of A High-carbohydrate Breakfast

There has been a lot of controversy in recent years about a high-carbohydrate breakfast. It is always worth thinking about what nutrients we eat at the very beginning of the day.
The health benefits of a high-carbohydrate breakfast

Today we would like to discuss a high carb breakfast. There are still a lot of questions involved, as some people find carbohydrates fatty. Below you can read about the health benefits of a high-carb breakfast.

The research evidence generally associates eating a healthy breakfast with a higher intake of micronutrients during the day. It has also been linked to better nutritional needs and better energy levels, including for children and young people.

The first meal of the day is even linked to the benefits of the cognitive level. However, the evidence for the importance of breakfast is still insufficient and the issue is still being investigated.

Benefits of a high-carbohydrate breakfast

There is much debate in science about the health benefits of eating breakfast and its effects on human performance during the day. However, it is even more difficult to reach clear conclusions when talking about different breakfasts and their nutritional content.

For example, fats have been left out of the first meal of the day for years, and a  typical egg-bacon breakfast has been widely criticized. The controversy continues, and with it, the debate over the benefits of a high-carbohydrate, high-protein, and high-fat breakfast.

At this point, it seems more difficult to draw any definitive conclusions because there are few studies and they have been done with very different methodologies. However, a systematic review of 38 studies shed some light on the matter.

  • A low-index breakfast would seem appropriate for adults who have difficulty controlling their blood sugar, but these conclusions are not generalizable to healthy adults.
  • A high-carb breakfast may be a good option after a workout on an empty stomach  because it helps replenish glycogen stores.

Instead, there is no doubt that people who aspire to the benefits of eating breakfast need to get used to healthy meals. This can be done with the right food choices.

The health benefits of a high-carbohydrate breakfast can be obtained by eating whole grains, for example
There is little evidence of the potential health benefits of a high-carb breakfast. However, this kind of breakfast can be a particularly good choice for people who move a lot.

A healthy high-carb breakfast

Carbohydrates have been part of breakfast for thousands of years. For example, bread was one of the most eaten dishes in ancient Greece and Rome. Oats, rice and other grains were already part of the diet at the time.

In the last century, however, sugary, industrially processed breakfast cereals, pastries, and white bread became the staple foods of most people’s breakfasts. Unfortunately, such foods contain unhealthy bleached flour, trans fat, and fructose syrup.

According to a study by Nutrients magazine, such products quickly raise blood sugar. In addition, sugary cereals lack most of the nutrients, which is why their regular eating has been associated with obesity and increased tooth decay in children.

The best advice when preparing a high-carb breakfast is to choose unprocessed, high-fiber products with no added sugar. Examples:

  • Wholemeal bread, sourdough bread made from whole grains, etc.
  • Whole oats or other cereals such as quinoa, rye, buckwheat, etc.
  • Legumes, whole or in hummus
  • Fresh fruit and dates

Healthy breakfast

If you want to include healthy carbohydrates in your breakfast,  it must also include foods that contain fats and protein to meet your nutritional needs. This is the only way to stay saturated longer and also keep your blood sugar more even. The risk of sudden increases and decreases in blood sugar is thus lower.

Today, fats are no longer considered “bad guys” in the diet, but it is important to know how to choose good fats. In addition, there should be protein at every meal of the day. So try to include in your meals:

  • Extra virgin olive oil, avocado or olives
  • Fatty fish
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Natural yogurt, Greek yogurt and cheese
A high-carb breakfast should also include sources of good fats and protein
In addition to carbohydrates, breakfast should include sources of good fats and protein.

The health benefits of a high-carbohydrate breakfast

Breakfast can also include carbohydrates as long as they are healthy – oats or other whole grains, for example. Avoid white wheat flour, highly processed commercial cereals, and other industrial alternatives, as their nutrient content is almost non-existent.

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