Health Benefits Of Delicious Broccoli Soup

Soup made from broccoli can help you lose weight, and at the same time it enhances the functioning of the defense system. The high fiber content of broccoli also facilitates digestive function and prevents e.g. constipated.
Health benefits of delicious broccoli soup

One of the healthiest vegetables available is broccoli, and the delicious soup made from it is a great way to enjoy this green health bomb. A diet high in broccoli offers many benefits to the body. Keep reading to hear what the health benefits of broccoli soup are!

Broccoli is a vegetable belonging to the cruciferous plants, which is a kind of cabbage. Other vegetables of the same type include Brussels sprouts, turnips and cauliflower. Like other vegetables, broccoli contains few calories, but even more so healthy nutrients such as calcium. Broccoli is a friend of the dieter, so if your goal is to drop a pound or two, soup made from broccoli may be a great way to do this. In addition, the health benefits of broccoli soup are manifold.

Broccoli is a vitamin bomb

health benefits of broccoli soup

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, and the world-famous Time magazine has recently listed broccoli as one of the healthiest vegetables.

In addition to vitamin C, broccoli provides vitamins E and B6, as well as the anti-cancer sulforaphane. In addition to vitamins, broccoli provides calcium, which is an important building block for bones.

Other benefits of broccoli: high fiber content

health benefits of broccoli soup

Broccoli is rich in antioxidants such as glutathione, which improves the functioning of the body’s defense system. Glutathione is a protective substance in the body that removes toxins.

Fiber is an important part of healthy weight loss, as foods high in fiber are slowly absorbed and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. The snack frenzy weakens and hunger stays at bay.

Fiber also helps prevent constipation and other common digestive disorders, it regulates metabolism and takes care of the stomach.

Broccoli soup

health benefits of broccoli soup

In addition to being delicious, the health benefits of broccoli soup are unbeatable. Soup containing broccoli suppresses appetite and maintains a full feeling for longer as it contains both liquids and solids.

Broccoli soup is a great addition to any diet, but it is especially helpful for dieters as it contains very few calories and keeps immunity in shape. In this way you prevent e.g. transmission of influenza and other common diseases.

While cabbage soup is one of the most popular vegetable soups for dieters, broccoli soup is perhaps an even better option as it contains more nutrients than cabbage.

The health benefits of broccoli soup

  • Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids and isothiocyanates.
  • Vitamin C produces collagen that keeps the skin supple and healthy, while Vitamin E protects skin cells from damage and aging.
  • Antioxidants prevent cancer.
  • Broccoli has a cleansing and anti-cellulite effect. Broccoli contains selenium, which enhances the absorption of estrogens through the liver.
  • Broccoli is an alkaline food that regulates blood pH and helps the body fight pathogens.
  • Broccoli soup has an anti-inflammatory effect and also enhances digestive function. Broccoli prevents stomach ulcers and certain forms of stomach cancer.
  • The high amount of potassium and the low amount of fat make broccoli a great vegetable for heart health.
  • Broccoli also enhances eye function, as its lutein prevents degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts. Broccoli is especially recommended for the elderly as it prevents the eye problems associated with aging.

A simple broccoli soup recipe


  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 whole broccoli
  • half an onion
  • water
  • salt


  • Chop the onion and peel the potatoes.
  • Rinse the broccoli and chop.
  • Dip the ingredients in boiling, salted water and allow to cook for about 20 minutes. Try maturity with a fork. Do not use unnecessary water.
  • When the broccoli and potatoes are cooked, puree the soup.
  • You can garnish the soup with a few pieces of broccoli and add fresh coriander as a spice.
  • Add salt and pepper as needed, or a spoonful of unflavoured yogurt before serving.

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