Health Hazards Caused By Using A Smartphone

Smartphones can be addictive, of the same type as some drugs. Some countries have even set up detox centers for those people who can’t live without a phone.
Health hazards caused by using a smartphone

The arrival of new technologies has had a really massive impact on the whole world, and they have caused a real revolution in our way of life. The use of a smartphone today is continuous.

These new devices have become more and more important factors in our daily lives and have become a vital issue for communication, work and many other areas of human existence.

The smartphone is one of the most widely used electrical devices on offer today, and about 4 billion people own at least one such device.

While these devices provide humans with access to thousands of applications for all kinds of purposes, experts have been warning for some time about the negative health effects of cell phones. They are harmful, especially for people whose problem progresses to the level of addiction.

The effects of excessive cell phone use are known as “smartphone syndrome,” and this includes many physical and psychological disorders that lower a person’s quality of life.

However, many are completely unaware that they have this problem, and thus they are also unaware that their health problems may be related to excessive cell phone use.

Excessive use of a smartphone can cause vision problems

visual impairment

One of the first parts of the body that is exposed to adverse effects is the eyes. This is because the light produced by cell phones impairs vision.

To make matters worse, unlike other types of devices, smartphones tend to be close to the eyes, and thus their effect on light is even stronger.

If a person is without a break for three days in front of the screen of his or her cell phone, the result is 93% destruction of the photosensitive cells of the retina.

Most experts agree that this type of damage is usually permanent, and thus the problem is very serious.

To reduce the chance of damage, there are now filters that you can use on your phone screen to block out harmful light rays.

Muscle pain as a result of using a smartphone

neck pain

If you use your smartphone for several hours and do not give yourself a break, it may result in muscle pain in your back and neck, for example.

If you don’t know how to control the use of your phone, and keep the device in your hands until you fall asleep, it’s almost certain that you’ll get yourself pain and tension in those parts of your body.

Physiotherapists who have studied the use of cell phones reveal that the position of most people when holding these devices is not the best. Thus, Physiotherapists recommend that the position be changed as follows: sit in a chair and use both hands, and use the device on the table.

Instead, if you only use your thumb or other finger to control your cell phone, you increase your risk of developing tendonitis.

Psychological disorders

When a person feels that he or she can no longer be more than hours without checking his or her smartphone, there are likely to be serious episodes of general psychological disorders.

This addiction caused by Cell Phones increases depression, anxiety, stress and other negative emotional states. They affect a person’s personal, social, and work-related life.

One of the biggest factors influencing this is the ability to see what other people are doing. This can cause anxiety, anxiety, jealousy, and other similar feelings for couples and close friends.

On the other hand, we should remember that these devices cause isolation for many people, as real human relationships become virtual.

Smartphone addiction

woman looking at the phone

In connection with the above, it is important to consider the potential dependence that smartphones can cause. In fact, many have had to resort to psychological treatment in order to get rid of their compulsive use of a smartphone.

The anxiety that occurs with addiction to these devices is comparable to that experienced by drug users. Some people have experienced emotional emptiness if they have not been allowed to hold a cell phone in their hands after a certain period of time.

Internet access, instant messaging apps, and social networking sites are at the forefront of what people most often feel they need.

The situation is so serious that some countries have opened rehabilitation centers for those who cannot live without their smartphones.

Can you keep your smartphone in use in moderation? Now that you know the effects of excessive use of these devices, it’s a good idea to try to reduce the time you spend at your own phone from day to day.

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