Heel Spike: Symptoms And Treatment

The pain is at its worst in the mornings as you take your first steps of the day. Proper exercise and proper stretching will help regain mobility as well as reduce pain.
Heel spike: symptoms and treatment

The heel spike is a fairly common ailment today and is due to the formation of very small bone in the heel. This results in pain that makes it difficult to do everyday chores. To heal your heel spike, try these following tips from this article!

What causes the heel spikes?

heel and hand heel spike

Orthopedists estimate that one in four people suffers from a bone spike. This means that each of us is at high risk of having this affliction as our nuisance. The heel spike, as the name implies, means a small, sharp bone that grows directly at the heel.

But why is a bone spike formed? The most common reason for this is age. Sometimes, however, even young people who stand or walk a lot suffer from bone spikes. Being overweight by a few pounds also affects it.

Even people with a very flexible Achilles tendon are more prone to developing heel spikes, and this fact is often overlooked. So depending on your anatomy as well as the characteristics of your foot, you have either a lower or higher risk of developing a bone spike.

What are the symptoms of a heel spike?

bare feet heel spike
  • The heel spike causes stabbing pain, and the level of pain varies depending on what you do.
  • The pain is usually greater in the mornings, especially when you put weight on your leg for the first time in a day. After many hours of rest, the first step is always the most painful.
  • The pain occurs at a specific point in the heel and is easy to locate.
  • Also, one thing to keep in mind is that depending on the pressure your shoe puts on the bone spike, the area may turn red and inflamed. This can be really painful.

Good movements to treat the heel spike

heel spike exercises

1. Exercises on the floor

In addition to the instructions given to you by your doctor and orthopedist, you should also follow these tips, as these movements will help you treat your heel spike. However, be careful – don’t overdo it.

This business is very simple. Sit on a couch or chair. Then place the towel on the floor in front of you and try to grab it with your toes. This simple movement will help you get your leg back in motion and it will also relieve the pain caused by the heel spike. Repeat this movement approximately three times a day.

2. Simple stretches

This is also a great workout. All you have to do is lean against the edge of the table and as if pretending to push it. One leg is hooked, and the heel of the other leg stretches gently. Do this exercise for at least 5 minutes at a time, twice a day. It’s a simple movement and not very exhausting.

3. Rolling the water bottle

sweaty water bottle heel spike treatment

This is also a simple and relaxing exercise. Fill the bottle with water and put it in the freezer until the water is frozen. Then place the bottle on a towel on the floor and roll it back and forth with the foot where the heel spike occurs. Do this back and forth movement for at least five minutes three times a day.

These movements based on simple stretches are quite effective. At night, you can also use a spatula on your foot – you will find suitable spatulas in pharmacies.

Over time, you will find that it helps, but sometimes surgery is still the only option to get the problem completely gone. So be patient and take good care of yourself.

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