Homemade Air Fresheners As Interior Elements

We will soon tell you how to make an air freshener for your home, which at the same time serves as a beautiful interior complement. You get to use your craftsmanship, and the end result is a freshener to suit your taste, giving the whole home a wonderful scent.
Homemade air fresheners as interior elements

The following natural air fresheners also work as part of the interior and are easily made at home. You get to use your creativity, and the result is freshener fresheners that complement your home style and your choice. Try these handy ideas to make yourself the most enjoyable!

Did you know that smells or smells from the environment clearly affect your mood?  This is because the human nose is in direct contact with memory and emotion centers. That’s why some scents remind you of a person or situation you’ve experienced a long time ago.

If you bring a lot of a pleasant scent to your home that will take you to good thoughts, you will be able to promote relaxation and a good mood. What’s great is that you are able to make the following air fresheners yourself and at home, and the materials are very simple and inexpensive.

Natural and interior air fresheners

colorful air fresheners

One very important thing about air fresheners is that they should not contain chemicals – however, these are usually present in commercial products. Many chemicals can cause allergies or even harm to those who are exceptionally sensitive to certain substances.

Gel-like air fresheners

It is a good idea to put these types of air fresheners on the corners of your home, inside cabinets or on tables. They look pleasant and take up little space. Just leave the jar containing the gel in the place of your choice and that’s it! You can choose the color you want for the gel.

The scent lasts for about a month, but the duration is shorter in places where the temperature is very high.


  • Colorless, powdered gelatin or gelatin (1 pack)
  • Toner
  • Salt (1 tbsp)
  • Water (480 ml)
  • Glass jar (desired size)
  • Essential oils


  • First boil half of the water.
  • Add a tablespoon of salt.
  • Add to the package gelatin.
  • Mix well.
  • When the mixture is smooth, add the rest of the water and take the pot off the stove.
  • Add five drops of toner to the glass container.
  • Place the mixture inside a container and stir to obtain a uniform color.
  • Then add 20 drops of fragrance oil.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Put the container in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • After this, take the dish out and put it in the place you want to complement the decor of your home.
  • Enjoy the pleasant scent!

Air freshener with lemon

air fresheners with wooden sticks

The air freshener suitable for the interior can also be made using lemon, as the aroma of this fruit is fresh and pleasant. Lemon helps to eliminate odors because it is an effective disinfectant product. In addition, it neutralizes odors caused by moisture, tobacco or stagnation.

With just a few ingredients and home furnishings, you can make a very long-lasting air freshener – this is actually the most durable of the options we present.


  • Peel of one lemon
  • 1.2 dl of 96% alcohol
  • Lemon essential oil
  • 8 wooden sticks
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • Small glass bottles suitable for decoration


  • First peel the lemon and put the peel inside the bottle.
  • Fill 3/4 of the bottle with alcohol.
  • Add the rest of the water on top.
  • Then add ten drops of essential lemon oil.
  • Put the sticks inside the jar.
  • Move the sticks to enhance the lemon scent.

Colorful balls

First of all, this air freshener is beautiful and you can make it in the colors and scent you want.  So it is a handy addition when you want something that is completely compatible with your interior.

To make this air freshener you need small so-called. gel balls that can be purchased at craft stores. The scent is very long lasting, so give it a try!


  • 20 pcs (dry) gel balls
  • 300 ml of water
  • Dye to be added to glycerin soap
  • 2 ml of fragrance or essential oil of your choice
  • Large glass container
  • 1 stick
  • Paper towels
  • Transparent glass bowl suitable for the interior


  • First take a large glass jar and put about 300 ml of water in it.
  • Then add about 2 ml of the fragrance you want.
  • Also add toner – the amount depends on how intense the color you want for the balls.
  • Mix the ingredients very well with a wooden stick.
  • Add the balls.
  • Stir well again.
  • Let the balls soak for 24 hours. The balls swell as they absorb water.
  • Then take them out of the liquid and put on paper.
  • Finally, put them in a bowl that fits the decor of your choice.

These air fresheners that beautify the interior change the scent of the home very clearly. The result is a more pleasant atmosphere, and at the same time you get a beautiful addition to the interior. In addition, of course, the benefit of doing it yourself is when you conjure up an air freshener that suits your style in both color and shape.

Which idea do you like the most? Try making a custom air freshener and enjoy a fragrant home where bad smells don’t bother you!

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