How Do Video Games Affect Youth?

Concerned about how video games affect youth? Playing with children, chatting about game content, and controlling gaming are some recommendations you can follow.
How do video games affect youth?

There is a general belief in society that video games mainly affect young people. It is important to identify which of these perceptions are myths and which are based on facts. How do video games affect youth? Keep reading!

Just like any other technology, video games have a purpose. In connection with them, however, a number of different factors must be taken into account, such as age, playing time, the theme of the games and even the characteristics of the players, in this case young people.

How do video games affect youth?

Several studies have shown that some video games can improve cognitive functions as well as the ability to solve problems and process information. However, other reliable sources warn of  their potential risks. 

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) emphasizes just that:

How video games affect young people depends on many factors

These researchers also point out that video games have become very realistic. Some games “connect to the internet, allowing kids and teens to play and chat with adults and other unfamiliar players”. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of playing and to be careful.

Some video games are educational. However, many of the most popular also have their downsides: they present violence against people and animals. Some games even feature prejudice or discriminatory traits, gender-based violence, and stereotypes that help perpetuate certain stigmas.

Possible effects of playing video games on young people

Most of these concerns relate to the effects of excessive gambling on young people and how much they take to learn from the characters or roles in the games, as well as the difficulty of managing the time spent playing.

What are the possible harmful effects of gambling?

While it is impossible to talk about all the harmful effects, at least the following is good to know:

  • Young people spend less time with friends and family.
  • His time is not enough for school assignments and other leisure activities.
  • She exercises less exercise and lives more passively, which increases the risk of being overweight.
Playing video games can be harmful in excessive amounts

What can you do?

  • The family and educational institutions must promote responsible gaming. This reduces its harmful effects and promotes its benefits.
  • Choose video games that you can play with the kids and discuss the content of the game with them. Monitor all of your child’s social interactions in the game.
  • It is also important to set a game schedule and monitor compliance.

In an interesting publication on the Miracles of the Mind site (Spanish version), Ana Ramos mentions that there are a wide variety of video games, such as platform games where you jump from one level to another as the screen scrolls forward while the player crosses obstacles. This speeds up thinking because gaming is so fast-paced. But for exactly the same reason, such games can cause a lot of fatigue and make it difficult to concentrate on the next chores.

The author also mentions that there are sports games, strategy games (e.g. urban planning and construction), simulation games (driving a motor vehicle) and shooting and fighting games where battles are fought with martial arts or firearms.

These violent games are perhaps the most notorious, and are generally the cause of the bad reputation of video games. In fact, some studies show that violent video games can increase violent tendencies in children who play them.

In brief:

  • Video games have come to stay, so there is no point in trying to ban them. The best option is to control by being present for their use. This allows parents to show the child how to use the technology safely from an early age.
  • It is necessary to dispel the myths that video games always have harmful effects. The matter is complex. Video games can also be OK and even useful if you know how to use them properly.
  • Ask other parents, teachers, and health professionals about problems with video games, because when parents lack tools, other people can help.

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