How Does Skin Change During Pregnancy?

The skin often changes during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. While most changes are benign, it is important to give the skin the care it needs. Continue reading the article and learn more about it!
How does the skin change during pregnancy?

The skin usually changes during pregnancy due to changes in hormonal activity as well as blood circulation. The biggest concern for most pregnant women is usually the appearance of pregnancy scars. However, other changes can occur in the skin. For example, you may get pimples or acne on your skin, it may change color, and other problems may occur.

According to information published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology , these changes are normal and do not pose a risk to the mother or fetus. From an aesthetic point of view, they are important to many people and some even rely on a dermatologist to heal them.

So in this article, we want to tell you more about how skin changes during pregnancy.

Why does the skin change during pregnancy?

The placenta acts as a hormonal organ and increases the activity of adrenaline as well as the pituitary gland. In addition to fetal endocrine function,  this also causes an increase in corticosteroids, an increase in metabolism, and an increase in progesterone and estrogen levels. These hormones are responsible for changes in the skin during pregnancy.

Skin changes during pregnancy

Skin changes that occur during pregnancy are usually benign and do not pose any risks, only an aesthetic problem. As an article in the American Family Physician  states, if a woman already has certain skin conditions, skin changes during pregnancy may require vigilance because of the risk they pose.

It is therefore best to discuss any abnormalities in the skin with your doctor or dermatologist. 

Let’s take a closer look at what are the most common skin changes during pregnancy.

Pregnancy horns

They most often occur in the abdominal area. They are most prominent during the last trimester of pregnancy. They can appear on the breasts, hips and buttocks. They are born as the pregnancy progresses and the weight increases.

Pregnancy horns can be pink or purple in color. They begin to fade after childbirth and are no longer so visible. However, there are cases where the pregnancy scars do not disappear completely. This is why it is important to prevent them or treat them at the right time.

The appearance of pregnancy scars depends on the skin type, the elasticity of the skin and the family background. You can try to reduce the appearance of pregnancy scars by:

  • Avoid excessive weight gain  during pregnancy.
  • Increase the amount of daily moisturizer to promote skin elasticity.
The skin changes during pregnancy in many ways.
A sudden change in weight in addition to hormonal changes leads to the formation of pregnancy scars during pregnancy.

Soft fibroids

These are small, stem tumors that are sometimes elongated, brown, or skin-colored. They usually occur in the neck, armpits, or below the breasts. They usually appear during the second trimester of pregnancy. However, soft fibroids may often disappear after childbirth.


This is more common in women with dark skin and hair. The white line (a vertical line in the middle of the abdomen a few centimeters above the umbilicus above the navel), the area around the navel, the external genitalia, and the nipple become strongly pigmented.

The color change of the nipple increases from the fifth month of pregnancy onwards. Brown or yellow pimples may appear on the forehead, cheeks, nose, or upper lip. These are called hepatic lesions (chloasma) during pregnancy.

To prevent these pigmentation changes, we recommend avoiding prolonged sun exposure and wearing a hat or skin protective clothing and a high protection factor (SPF 50). Pigmentation changes may fade and heal during the postpartum months, but some women still have small freckles.

All of these pigmentation changes are caused by hormonal changes and occur during pregnancy. This stimulates the production of melanin for a short time, which brings color to the hair, skin and eyes.

In a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology , pigmentation changes were the most obvious changes. Some women may notice changes in the size, number, or activity of the creases. They tend to become dark and large. If they start bleeding, we recommend that you see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

It is important to increase sun protection measures to reduce skin patches during pregnancy.

Changes in blood vessels

When a woman is pregnant, the amount of blood increases and a new blood vessel is formed, the blood vessels dilate and the permeability of the capillaries increases. These changes in blood flow are responsible for swelling of the limbs, varicose veins, redness of the palms, and visible dilations of small blood vessels (telangiectasia).

To improve these symptoms, we recommend the following:

  • Wear elastic tights.
  • Raise your legs.
  • Avoid spending long periods of standing.
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Do moderate exercise.

Most of these skin changes usually disappear after about 6-12 months. If the changes last longer, you can treat them according to the recommendations of your dermatologist.


This skin condition is common during pregnancy because the sebaceous glands in the skin are stimulated and increase sebum production. This can happen at any stage of pregnancy and can be mild, moderate, or severe.

Marble skin

This is a bluish discoloration of the skin during pregnancy. It occurs mainly in the feet when exposed to cold. It usually goes away after giving birth, but if this does not happen, we recommend that you contact your dermatologist to rule out other possible causes.

Skin brightness

The skin looks brighter during pregnancy. This is due to two main factors. First, stimulation of sebaceous glands followed by increased sebum production. Second, blood circulation increases in the epithelium, causing oxidation of skin cells.

It is important to take care of the skin during pregnancy

Although the skin changes, it is generally considered normal during pregnancy. It is important to maintain skin care routines that include the use of specialty products. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments available today that protect the skin during pregnancy. It is also good to visit a dermatologist.

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