How Much Sleep Do We Need?

How much sleep do we need?

We all know very well that newborns need sleep several hours a day. Little older children need to sleep at least nine hours to develop well and we as adults respect that time they need to rest. Even we adults always need enough sleep to make our bodies work properly.

How many hours is enough sleep?

It is, how much sleep is recommended to get, a lot depends on the characteristics of each person and their age. There are people who need several hours of sleep to feel really well rested.

We all know that a restful night’s sleep helps us to revitalize our physical bodies as well as our mental health.  That is why it is so important to adhere to regularity regarding the hours we devote to rest.

which is enough sleep

Now that we’re talking about age, people of different ages should sleep a certain number of hours each night:

  • Newborns require at least fourteen or fifteen hours of sleep each day.
  • Toddlers aged one to three should sleep for twelve to fourteen hours.
  • School-age children should sleep ten to eleven hours.
  • Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each day.
  • Older adults have trouble sleeping peacefully and they wake up several times a night, which is why they need a day’s sleep in some way to make up for the night they lost.

Hours for sleeping are sacred

Sleeping the required number of hours each day is essential. Under no circumstances should you sleep well one night and neglect your sleep the next.

If we do this, our daily activities will suffer because we have not rested enough. In addition, it is possible that this can provoke periods of stress, which can adversely affect our health.

do you get enough sleep

Restful sleep should be continuous and of high quality. It is not the same thing to sleep for the recommended number of hours for a long time without interruption than to wake up a little no matter during those eight hours.

As we mentioned earlier, poor sleep quality can cause stress, fear, and depression. The most important thing we can do is make the right decision to get quality sleep that lasts the full required hours, with the goal of resting the necessary amount and achieving a higher quality of life.

In addition, we should think about the impact this may have on our future.

It is important for your health that you get enough sleep

You should keep in mind that if you do not sleep enough, it can have dangerous effects on your health. You may not notice it right after one night of poor sleep, but the day you will get some penalties for not having the right kind of sleep is coming.

If your job keeps you awake at night, do your best to get a nap to compensate for those lost hours at night that are so important.

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