How To Solidify Hanging Arms

To firm your drooping arms, it’s important to follow a healthy diet to help reduce fat buildup in this area. In addition, you should exercise and focus especially on arm strength exercises.
This strengthens the hanging arms

The drooping skin of the arms is not comfortable for everyone. This is a common problem that occurs especially with aging. Loosening of the skin is due to the natural aging process where the skin loses its elasticity. Being overweight also has something to do with it, as excess fat also accumulates in the arms and stretches the skin. In this article, we’ll give you the best tips for firming loose arm skin with strength training – this is how you firm your drooping arms!

This strengthens the hanging arms

Arm training to firm skin and muscles

The skin of the arms loses its firmness with age.

When the skin loosens, it begins to hang. The problem is due to aging and / or weight gain. Even in younger and slimmer people, the skin on your arms can hang, and even if you lose weight, you may not get rid of loose skin.

Drooping skin is an aesthetic problem that can be addressed relatively easily with exercise. A simple hand workout makes the skin firmer and at the same time the extra fat burns. To firm your arms, you need a good and effective workout program, goal awareness, regularity and optimism. 

The results of a regular workout don’t show up overnight, it’s about long-term results. When you combine strength training with a healthy diet consisting of light proteins, good quality carbohydrates, fats and enough water, you will achieve results faster.

It is recommended to use a dumbbell in these exercises, as adding weights will increase the effectiveness of your workout.  Using weights will get you results faster, but if you don’t own dumbbells, you can use your body’s own weight to intensify your workout. You can also make dumbbells yourself by filling a couple of empty plastic bottles with water or sand.

This is how you strengthen your drooping arms – 7 exercises with weights

Solid hanging arms through exercise and a healthy diet.

Grasp the dumbbell firmly using the entire palm.

Exercise 1

  • Grasp the weight with both hands and raise your hands vertically toward the ceiling.
  • Bend your arms from your elbows back so that the weight drops towards your neck. Stay in position for 5 seconds and push your hands straight up. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Exercise 2

  • For this exercise, you need two weights, one for each hand.
  • Stand straight with your feet together and your arms resting on your sides.
  • Raise your hands to shoulder level horizontally and keep them as straight as possible. Your body forms the letter T.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and then lower your arms.
  • Repeat 15 times.

Exercise 3

  • The third exercise follows the previous exercise.
  • Continue to raise your hands from shoulder level perpendicular to the ceiling so that the weights are directly above your head.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times.

Exercise 4

  • Lie on your back on the exercise mat and place the soles of your feet against the floor.
  • Grasp the dumbbell with both hands and lift them directly above your head.
  • Bend your elbows so that the weights fall behind your head, towards the floor.
  • Raise your hands back up and repeat the movement 10 times.

Exercise 5

  • You only need one weight for this exercise.
  • Grasp the dumbbell with your right hand and raise your hand as close to your ear as possible.
  • Touch your right hand with your left hand.
  • Bend your elbow so that your arm touches your head – the weight “hangs” against your left ear.
  • Lift the arm back up, repeat the movement 10 times and change hands.

Exercise 6

  • Lie on your knees on the exercise mat, back straight.
  • Grab the dumbbell with your right hand and perform the same trajectory as in the previous exercise. Your other hand rests at your waist.
  • Bend your elbow and let the weight drip towards your back, do not move your shoulder.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and raise your hand back up.
  • Repeat 10 times and change hands.

Exercise 7

For the final workout, you will need a dumbbell and a bench.

  • Place your left knee and left hand on the bench so that your back is horizontal. Your right foot is firmly on the floor. Make sure your body is in a straight line down to your neck.
  • Grasp the weight with your right hand and let it hang towards the floor with your hand straight. Then lift the arm back from the elbow, bending it so that it is in line with the torso, keep the arm straight. Bend your arm and bring the weight against your chest.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times on each side.

2 exercises without weights

You can also train your arms without weights.

If you don’t have dumbbells or don’t like using weights, you can also try these exercises:

Exercise 1

To work out the stretcher muscle, sit down on the edge of the bench and straighten your feet, soles of the feet against the floor. If the position is uncomfortable, you can sit on the bench and keep your feet firmly against the floor, knees bent. Lift the bumper up from the bench so that there is adequate space between the back and the edge of the bench and the weight rests on your hands.

  • Place your hands on the edge of the bench.
  • Lower your butt towards the floor as far as it will go.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Stay in position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 15 times.

Exercise 2

  • Weightlifting is a great and simple movement to firm your drooping arms, strengthen your muscles and remove excess fat.
  • Lie on your knees on a non-exercise surface, palms against the floor, arms straight. Raise your ankles in the air and cross them, making sure your wrists are directly below your shoulders.
  • The weight rests on the hands and knees and the arms have to do most of the work.
  • Lower your chest between your wrists toward the floor and push yourself back up.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times.

As your strength grows, you can move a degree harder:

  • In full weight, the weight is on the toes and palms, and the body is in a straight line in the plank position.
  • Lower your upper body toward the floor, try to get as close to the floor as possible, and push yourself back up.
  • Keep a little elasticity in the elbows as this will prevent joint damage.

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