Improve Your Mood And Reduce Stress With Easy Exercises

Take these exercises into your daily routine according to your abilities, and do them every day so that you can relieve stress as well as improve your mood. Your mind and body will thank you greatly!
Improve your mood and reduce stress with easy exercises

Improve your mood and reduce stress with these exercises! You will notice a big difference in your condition.

In our articles, we have suggested many different exercise routines so that you can strengthen your abdomen, buttocks, or even your arms a little more effectively.

A stronger, firmer and more supple body is something that a very large proportion of people aspire to. However, this time we want to focus on emotions in the sense that  appropriate exercise can relieve stress and worries.

One obvious thing is that all of us don’t have time every day to go out for a run or enjoy a swim so that our bones, muscles and joints can be treated while the mind relaxes.

Perhaps that’s why it’s never in vain to learn about new exercises that are easy to do in your own home and that help improve your mood.

The following routine is easy and does not require a gym membership, but you will still reap great benefits from it.

You only need four things: a small platform or yoga mat, pillows, comfortable clothes and willpower. So keep reading and try these stress relieving exercises as soon as possible – you won’t regret it!

Easy exercises to reduce stress

Twenty minutes is enough to make you feel significantly better.  These exercises require concentration and being one with your body, your breathing and your emotions.

Here you work your flexibility through appropriate stretches that will allow you to let go of the burdens that all of us have to accumulate during the day.

If you monitor your breathing and put all your attention into your body and every movement you do, you can find a balance within you that will get relief from your daily stress.

We don’t expect you to exhaust yourself in this process, and we really don’t suggest pushing yourself to the limits of your forces to burn fat. This is by no means the goal of the next routine.

The only thing we are looking for here is  a peaceful reconciliation of body and emotions.

It really is worth taking the opportunity now if you want to improve your well-being!

1. Relax your back and also relax your mind

reduce stress by stretching your back

As you will soon notice, these are relaxing exercises that are simple and easy to perform. The first exercise requires two pillows (or one pillow and one towel).

Then follow these instructions:

  • Lie on your back on the ground.
  • Put a pillow under your back that extends to the area of ​​your hips. Your chest should be higher than your legs.
  • Put another pillow under your head.
  • Stretch your arms outward.
  • Cross your legs just as you can see in the picture above, and make sure your knees are on the sides.
  • You will notice a little tension in the waist and back area.

Then inhale for ten seconds, hold your breath for five seconds, and finally exhale loudly. Be in this routine for five minutes.

2. Lift your stomach

improve your mood and reduce stress by lifting your lower body

This workout is also very relaxing. For this, you need a small stool or fixed pillows that will allow you to lift your buttocks and abdomen up.

  • Once these areas are supported, put your knees together.
  • Then stretch your arms outward.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • This position, where the head is lower than the rest of your body, will  facilitate good blood circulation to the brain.
  • Hold this position for five minutes, and continue to do the breathing exercise: inhale the air for ten seconds, hold it for five seconds, and then let the air out loud.

3. A little balance: feet up

reduce stress by lifting your legs up

For this exercise, you need a pillow as well as a cloth to cover your eyes and make breathing easier.

  • Stand in front of a wall and  lie on the ground in such a way that you can raise your feet against the wall.
  • Put a pillow under your back.
  • Once again, your chest will be higher than your head.
  • Then cover your eyes with a cloth as you stretch your arms outward.
  • Relax for five minutes and then do this again, while doing the breathing exercise we mentioned earlier (breathing in – holding – breathing out).

4. Stretch your arms outward

reduce stress by stretching your arms

We end our training routine with this special and at the same time very useful stretch for the back, neck and arms.

Do this business to the best of your ability and without going beyond your own limits. Proceed as follows:

  • Kneel on the blanket or yoga mat of your choice.
  • Place the pillow over your ankles and gently hook your upper body back  so that you can touch the pillow on your ankles  with your hands.
  • Hold this position for a minute and you will notice how it stretches your arms.
  • Then relax yourself and return to your normal position, and repeat the exercise.

These exercises take a total of about 20 minutes.

There is no reason to exhaust yourself with these movements, as the goal is that by doing stretches and breathing well you can relax your body as well as relieve the state of your mind.

Definitely worth a try if you want to feel more relaxed and better both physically and mentally – improve your mood and reduce stress with simple stretching and breathing exercises!

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