Kidney Cleansing Smoothie With Celery And Green Apple

Celery and green apple cleanse the kidneys and improve their function. Juice made from these ingredients also acts as an anti-inflammatory treatment, so you should try it as soon as possible!
Kidney cleansing smoothie with celery and green apple

This time, the presentation features a delicious kidney cleansing smoothie from celery and green apple. Add this healthy smoothie to your diet and take care of your kidney health.

Kidney cleansing effect

You’ve probably already adopted some good lifestyles that promote kidney health, such as drinking plenty of water and reducing salt and sugar in your diet.

This time, we want to recommend an effective supplement, namely a vitamin-filled smoothie that enhances some of the fundamental functions of the kidneys. It is very affordable and easy to manufacture, but its benefits are really huge.

So are you ready to give it a try? Take celery and a green apple to help you keep your kidneys healthier in a delicious way!

Celery and green apple: a kidney cleansing smoothie

kidney cleansing green smoothie

One thing to keep in mind is this: when it comes to kidney health, it’s not enough to just drink water and make sure your diet is low in sodium.

In addition to this, certain vitamins and a large amount of antioxidants are needed, which improve kidney function and promote proper blood filtration. That’s why it’s a good idea to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables – preferably these should be organically produced whenever possible.

Breakfast plays an important role as it is an important step of the day to maintain health, and this also applies to the kidneys and liver. Start your day with a smoothie or juice rich in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to cleanse your body and enhance its functions.

In the following, we will explain why the drink you eat in the mornings should contain just celery and green apple. So keep reading and give it a try tomorrow!

Celery is a powerful anti-inflammatory vegetable

One of the most potent anti-inflammatory vegetables is celery. The enzymes and minerals it contains make this product  an ideal aid for patients who have excess uric acid in their body or who suffer from urinary tract infections.

  • Celery is rich in water, but it is also rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. It also contains many vital minerals, including iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, aluminum and manganese.
  • If you drink celery and green apple juice regularly, you can also lower your high blood pressure and lower the amount of cholesterol in your body – these two things are the enemies of your kidney health.
  • Here comes an interesting fact: celery seeds contain essential oils (limonene and selenium), and that in turn contains asparagine. These ingredients act as effective firming and dehydrating agents  and are ideal for removing impurities and reducing accumulated fluid – these are the consequences of deteriorating kidney health.
  • Celery is highly recommended for the removal of gallstones and kidney stones as it helps to remove minerals from the body.
kidney cleansing smoothie

Green apple is a delicious kidney cleansing health product

This recipe also includes a  green apple that has not been peeled. Apples contain pectin, which helps relieve inflammation in the body and improves kidney health.

Apples are also rich in soluble fiber,  which helps you naturally balance your blood sugar levels as well as lower the amount of cholesterol in your body. Apples are very effective body cleansers as they are high in cysteine.

Just like celery, green apple helps lower blood pressure. That’s why it’s important that you buy fruits and vegetables that are organically produced – so you can enjoy all the great benefits they offer to the maximum.

How to make smoothies

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 green apple
  • 200 ml vegetable milk: rice, oat or almond milk
kidney cleansing green apple

Do this

  • First you should wash the green apple and celery, and then you can  chop the apple into four parts and remove its seeds.
  • Also chop the celery into pieces.
  • Then put these ingredients in a blender. To make mixing easier, first add the celery and apple, and then, once you’ve made the mixture, add the vegetable milk as well.
  • Continue mixing and pour the drink into a glass – if you want, you can sweeten the smoothies by adding a little honey as well. However, never use white sugar for sweetening.

To take care of your kidney health, this smoothie  is best enjoyed three to four times a week, and the time should be breakfast.

Were you excited – are you starting to improve your kidney health today with celery and green apple ? Try and enjoy!

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