Make These Small Changes To Your Diet And Reduce Calories

As simple as switching from chocolate ice cream to fruit sorbet, or choosing tuna preserved in water over canned in oil, can make a big difference.
Make these small changes to your diet and reduce your calories

Want to lower your calorie intake, but don’t know what products to choose so you don’t have to put up with constant hunger? Keep reading, because now we’ll tell you what foods to switch to if you want to get fewer calories during the day.

You are certainly aware that in order to reduce weight and shape, you should leave some products in the past and reduce the portion size. If you follow these tips, you’ll find that you can significantly reduce your calorie intake without much effort – you also won’t have to put up with hunger or a bad mood.

Let’s then look at which foods are the ones where it’s worth making such small changes.

Reduce calories with these changes

1. Ice cream

ice cream

Is ice cream one of those foods you can’t give up under any circumstances? Replace commercial ice creams with sorbets, and if possible homemade ones, then you can  reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in your diet.

2. Muffins

If you like these delicacies, and if you always choose chocolate muffins, it’s time for a change! If you choose, for example, ginger-flavored, partly made from whole grain flour, you will get the same good taste pleasure with much fewer calories.

Remember that chocolate is very high in calories, so when your body tells you it needs something sweet, choose the ginger muffin we mentioned instead of chocolate, for example.

3. Tuna

reduce calories: choose tuna preserved in water

Reducing calories is much easier than many of us think. Among other things, something as simple as switching from  oil-preserved tuna to water-preserved works. This change reduces caloric intake from an estimated 190 to 96.

You get the same benefits, but less fat, and the fish still provides you with  plenty of vitamins A, B12, D, and E, amino acids, and minerals (iodine, potassium, iron, and phosphorus).

4. Snacks

If you ever want a little snack, nuts are a great option. They are healthy and make good quality fat, but only if you eat them unsalted, sugar-free and oil-free.  That is, in its natural form.

While nuts are healthy, be sure to eat them in moderation. Even unprocessed nuts are high in calories, so keep that amount about a handful daily.

5. Fruit instead of biscuits


Biscuits help to cope between meals, but this is not the best choice. If you want to enjoy a snack, keep in mind that biscuits have more sugar than your body needs.

Instead, choose fruits that get plenty of vitamins and minerals you need to survive the day.

6. Oats instead of cereals

Oats are the perfect substitute for breakfast cereals. You can buy oats mixed with fruit or nuts, or you can make the mixture yourself, and you will get a much better solution for your health and weight.

Commercial breakfast cereals have a lot of added sugar and a list of other substances and additives that make a person want them more and more. When cereals are ingested in large quantities, the number of calories rises too much.

7. Peruna

Believe it or not, but  when you choose frozen potatoes instead of fresh ones, you don’t feel like wanting to eat them as much.

While it’s true that frozen potatoes aren’t fresh and as enjoyable in that sense, you’ll feel full for longer after that. What is causing this? Frozen potatoes have healthier starch.

8. Potato chips

If you enjoy chips at home, choose vegetables made from potatoes instead of potatoes  – you can even make your own chips at  home.

Commercial potato chips can contain up to 500 calories per 100 grams, while  vegetable chips have only 221 calories.

These small changes are a convenient solution to reduce calories, so why not take the opportunity if better weight management is your goal too?

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