Negative Emotions Are Good

We should not fight negative fears or fear them. They can help us grow as long as we know how to control them and they don’t get out of hand.
Negative emotions are good

We have been taught to believe that negative emotions can only cause pain, frustration, anxiety, fear, stress, tears, and other equally bad feelings and conditions.

But is that completely true? Are negative emotions really as negative as they seem?

Do we always have to be happy?

We believe we need to be constantly happy to live contentedly, but that would be unnatural. Can someone really always be happy? When we are happy, why is there no room left for thinking about negative emotions?

Woman in black

When we live a happy life, we still experience negative emotions. We think it’s a bad thing, even though it’s not really it. In fact, negative emotions are necessary.

Can you imagine that we would all be happy all the time? There would be times in a life like that where we wouldn’t know if we were doing things wrong or not.

We do not always have to be happy. Instead, we have to accept our feelings, whether they are negative or positive. The problem is that we tend to fight the negative emotions we experience because they cause fear and because we tend to try to escape them.

Never reject negative emotions because, as we will soon see, they also have their pros. The only problem is that because they make us feel bad, we think they are a bad thing! We don’t just know that experiencing negative emotions is exactly what makes us human.

Real negative feelings

In addressing this topic, it is important to know how to distinguish those negative emotions that are “normal” but that actually come from some real negative emotion.


Sometimes we let the feeling we consider negative affect us, and it inadvertently gets out of hand. In this article, we look at a number of “negative” emotions that are normal but come from other, real negative emotions that are instead worrying and serious.

Anxiety and anxiety

Anxiety is a normal feeling, not a negative at all.

It is a feeling that comes to the surface when something matters to us or when something significant happens to us. Concern also arises when we have to make a decision and we don’t know if we made a sensible choice.

Problems arise when this anxiety gets out of hand and develops into something else: anxiety.

When anxiety begins to occur, it means that we will not find a solution to the issue that worries us. This thing is often the belief that we are doing something wrong. This in turn causes us to change the way we act and react.

We may be worried about something we shouldn’t even worry about, and this causes a lot of anxiety.

Grief and depression

Grief is normal, for we have melancholy days and days when we are more sensitive than usual.

But what happens when this grief lasts a long time? And what happens when something has affected us so much that it crushes our self-esteem and makes us underestimate ourselves? Depression comes to the village.

Anger towards self and guilt

We get angry with ourselves because, for example, we wanted to do things differently, and it didn’t work. Or we feel hatred for ourselves because we said something that shouldn’t have been said. However, being angry with oneself is not the same as blaming oneself.

Blaming is something negative. Even as we learn from the experience of getting angry at ourselves, the accusation makes us more insecure  and, as a result, we begin to consider ourselves worse.

You should never go too far with the accusation, as it will not do any good.

Irritation and anger

Irritation is perfectly normal. It’s basically a normal reaction to something we don’t like.

When irritation turns into anger, the situation is already different. This is because when it comes to anger, we are unable to appreciate another person. In addition, anger causes a lot of mental stress, while irritability can help release pressure.

Woman in a paper boat

Many normal emotions eventually turn negative because we don’t know how to manage them properly. For example, we may also confuse irritation with anger or grief with depression.

The emotions we experience as negative are sometimes completely normal and necessary. Imagine if we never worried about anything or felt sad? Would anything matter to us?

Now is the time to change your perception of negative emotions and thus accept them all.

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