Negative Thinking: How To Change It

Changing negative thinking requires you to modify the way you look at things and learn to take responsibility only for those things that really are your own responsibilities.
Negative thinking: this is how you change it

What is your usual way of thinking? By this we refer to the voice within your head that emerges in certain situations completely absurdly and automatically throughout your life. The fact that you are reading this article on the subject of negative thinking indicates that such thinking is already a common problem.

But negative thinking should not be suppressed all the time. Properly utilized and objectively viewed, negative thinking provides clues as to what things you should change and work on.

However, if negative thoughts limit you, put these tips into practice and change the way you think.

How to change negative thinking

1. Take action


Negative thinking can be detrimental

It is impossible to turn negative thinking completely purely into good, pleasant, and positive thoughts. In fact, an absolutely perfect life and way of thinking would be a danger in many ways.

Instead of focusing in vain on what is not possible, analyze the thoughts that bother you:

  • What topics do they relate to?
  • What kind of action could help calm those thoughts?

Once you have clear answers to these questions, you can move on.

For example, negative thinking may revolve around your relationship coming to an end. Analyzing the situation, you may find that your husband no longer speaks to you or is interested in your affairs. In this case, you can take action and solve the problem.

If you don’t act, it can result in more stress, negativity, and unhealthy avoidance. Naturally, it is better to take action and eliminate the problems as quickly as possible.

2. Negative thinking starts with meditation

Meditation can help with negative thinking

Are you trying to change negative thinking about internal factors such as personality or appearance? Many people have big problems accepting themselves and different aspects of their personality.

In this case (in addition to working on the problem in the previous section), you need to make a deal with yourself. This can be a complex process.

Some of the ideas that require internal processing are:

  • “I can not…”
  • “I should be more…”
  • “I’m not good enough…”
  • “I wish I was more…”

If meditation doesn’t seem to be enough, try psychotherapy. It is not always possible to deal with these problems on your own.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

Positive people help get rid of negative thinking

Changing negative thinking is a gradual process that is easier when there are people around you who bring positive energy. Sometimes negative thinking is because a person is not in the company of the right kind of people.

Analyze the people you spend the most time with. Remember, they define you greatly. While you may love them a lot, sometimes it’s better to take a little distance.

For example, your thought that you are not good enough at work may be due to how your mother always compares you to something you know. In this case, you are used to comparing yourself to people with different characteristics and different realities.

People who are toxic to your life should have only limited access to your life. Forget your intention to be nice or good for a moment: if it affects you negatively, take a little distance.

4. Share responsibilities

Don’t take responsibility for things that don’t belong to you

Another way to stop negative thinking is to stop taking on responsibilities that don’t really belong to you and that are just an unnecessary burden.

This is a very common problem for people who are usually solely responsible for their family or work.

  • This often happens, for example, to mothers who constantly blame themselves for their children’s poor school grades, but do not stop to think that the child himself does not listen to his teachers or do his homework.
  • Of course, the mother always has some responsibility in this matter. But as soon as the mother imposes consequences on bad grades, the child learns to act right and the mother can free herself from those thoughts.

5. Stop becoming a victim

Negative thinking

Do you constantly complain about everything that is wrong because you think you deserve more? Well, becoming a victim contributes to the emergence of negative thoughts.

The next time they appear, ask yourself what you would like and what you have done to achieve it. This point is closely related to the first point.

When you stop working or delay decision-making, you sabotage your progress and your chances of achieving what you want.

We understand that it is very easy to be a victim. In this way , we protect ourselves from things that went wrong and justify why we don’t act.

But how long can this work? Is it really useful?

Limiting oneself to sacrifice gives control of one’s own life to other factors, and this is never as rewarding as pursuing the things they want.

Tell me what are you doing to change negative thinking? Have you considered these options?

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