Onion, Garlic And Lemon – A Real Super Treatment

When used alone, onions, garlic and lemon are extremely beneficial health enhancers. However, mixing them into one treatment offers great benefits for all three products at once, so it’s definitely worth a try!
Onion, garlic and lemon - the real super treatment

Onions, garlic and lemon: these are three such products that you should always have at home,  as they can be used as great toppings in many different recipes. One of them also completes super-treatment against the flu and other diseases. Continue reading and read the instructions for making supercare!

In addition, they are medicinal products that are important ingredients in natural medicine. This time we want to tell you how to make a super treatment that contains all these health-promoting ingredients!

Keep reading and you can be convinced of the extremely effective health-improving abilities of these ingredients – take onion, garlic and lemon to your aid !

The healing properties of onions

the onion is finished with super treatment

This plant has been in use for thousands of years in both Asia and Europe. In addition, it is widely used in the Americas, and the great benefits of onions include:

  • It is a  great source of nutrients as onions get plenty of water and vital amino acids.
  • Onions also provide minerals  (sulfur, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus).
  • It provides vitamins  ( vitamins C and E, as well as multivitamins B).

It improves your kidney function

Because onion has a dehydrating effect on the body,  it is a good help for any person who has problems with kidney function  (kidney stones, kidney failure, etc.). In addition, it is also highly recommended to eat onions if a person has high blood pressure and fluid retention.

It is a cough medicine

When you have respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis or pharyngitis, onions are a great help as it helps you get rid of mucus.

Also, you should eat onions  if you have a cold.

It lowers cholesterol

Ingestion of this plant  lowers the amount of fat in the blood and it also reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol in the body.

In addition, onions help cleanse the arteries naturally.

It balances blood sugar

Those with diabetes get a great help from their onion for their disease. This is because this plant has the ability to  lower blood sugar levels.

Useful properties of garlic

garlic completes super treatment

Many dishes would be nothing without garlic, and its claws give the food a great and unique taste. In addition, however, garlic offers the body dozens of different health benefits.

The most important of these effects are:

  • Improving blood circulation:  Because this product contains a compound called Allicin, it helps prevent blood clots from forming and increases blood flow.
  • Lowering your blood pressure:  Together with the effects of improving blood circulation, this product will give your blood pressure a balance. Therefore, it is recommended that people with high blood pressure use garlic to benefit their disease.
  • Cholesterol lowering:  As the effects of this on the blood are very great, it is not worth forgetting this great feature either. Garlic reduces cholesterol as well as removes lipids that accumulate in the arteries.
garlic completes super treatment
  • It strengthens resistance: The compounds in garlic improve the body’s natural resistance. Because of this, eating garlic regularly reduces the likelihood of getting diseases, and these problems include colds, flu, and tonsillitis.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory product:  In addition to all the benefits we mention, you also get this effect from garlic. It reduces swelling due to its natural properties and is therefore a good aid in the treatment of joint problems (whether arthritis or osteoarthritis) and also helps men to relieve inflammation of the prostate.

Health-promoting effects of lemon

super treatment with lemon

This fruit is very well known for its yellow color and its sour taste. Lemon is such a popular fruit that it is used in countless products from sweets to salads. For example , you can make lemons into  stews that are caring and preventative.

Here are some of the main health-enhancing effects of this fruit:

  • It strengthens the body’s resistance:  Just like garlic, lemon strengthens immunity. This will prevent you from getting viral diseases. For example, when you drink half a glass of lemon juice, your body gets 53 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin naturally stimulates your body’s ability to fight.
  • It cleanses your body:  Many of the diseases that people suffer from are actually caused by the accumulation of contaminants and waste in the body.
  • Lemon has the ability to naturally cleanse the liver and gallbladder,  and this means that it stimulates bile fluid production as well as reduces fat in the liver.
  • It cleanses the blood: During the process of cleansing the liver, this citrus fruit also helps cleanse your blood, and this includes lipids and other factors that are harmful to your health.
  • It provides protection against free radicals:  Because lemon is rich in antioxidants, it is a great help in reducing the negative effects of free radicals. These factors cause a lot of problems and diseases, and lemon provides protection against free radical attacks.

Eat onions, garlic and lemon!

super treatment of onions and lemon

Now that you know what these ingredients do for your health as separate products, you can guess how effective combining them is. When you enjoy these three products together, you get  an incredibly effective natural health-improving treatment.

The amount of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients it contains is great, and onions, garlic and lemon are products that no better ones can be found for health. They are the best help if you want to stay healthy.

You may often eat these products combined in different dishes, but their benefits can also be enjoyed by making some kind of syrup.

This supertreatment prevents and fights against the common diseases of the winter season  (colds and flu). In addition, this treatment can be used to improve the condition of the blood, reduce pain and inflammation, and remove toxic substances from the body.

Necessary ingredients

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion (preferably red)
  • 1 slice of ginger root (piece about 2.5 cm long)
  • 3 lemons
  • 1 dl of pure honey

This is how the super-treatment is completed

  • Peel the garlic, chop it, and grind it in a mortar until you get a thick paste.
  • Peel an onion and grate it, then mix with the garlic.
  • Grate the ginger and add according to it.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemons, and add it and the honey to the mixture.
  • Cover the mixture and  let it stand overnight  (for about eight hours).
  • After this time, place it in a glass jar with a lid.
  • You can keep the syrup in the refrigerator for a month.

How should this mixture be enjoyed?

In order to get this treatment as effective as you want,  take it with a tablespoon a day  so that you can have a preventative effect. If you want to treat some viral disease instead,  take a tablespoon of the mixture with your main meal each day  (three times a day).

Prepare this easy super treatment and give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!

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