Preventing Weight Gain Associated With Aging

Time brings more than wisdom and experience to a person – as the years go by, it is inevitable that pounds will accumulate. Regardless of how healthy lifestyles have been and what restrictions have been placed on diet, some weight gain will occur with age.
Prevention of weight gain associated with aging

In order to be able to prevent weight gain, from a certain age it is important to avoid processed products and increase protein intake. The body begins to accumulate more fat as the years become more, causing a clear weight gain.

Keeping the weight under control is a challenge for many at an early age, and we can tell you that at the age of 40 you will have to work even harder. At this point, changes occur in the body that affect its daily functioning.

If you’ve never been worried about your weight, you should still pay attention – in fact, pounds can start to appear in completely surprising places.

Weight management strategies that previously worked may surprisingly be ineffective. Exercise and a healthy diet are no longer enough to lose pounds.

Age brings challenges to weight loss prevention

Prevention of weight gain due to aging through exercise

A sedentary lifestyle, hormones and the wrong diet make it difficult to stay at an ideal weight anyway. At the age of 40, control becomes a little more difficult.

The American Council of Exercise says that at this age, a person’s metabolism slows down and the body burns 200 calories less than the age of 20.

This is combined with life challenges, lack of time for personal well-being, family responsibilities, work and, in many cases, a lack of interest in improving health.

Therefore, effective strategies and more than just a good diet are needed to prevent uncontrolled weight gain with age.

Sarcopenia: less muscle and more fat

waist measurement

There are many reasons why a person’s weight increases with age. We want to be clear about one thing: this is not a change caused by man himself, but then the weight gain is caused by nature.

In general, this is because sarcopenia begins to occur in the body with age. This is a process that involves significant loss of muscle mass.

Because of this phenomenon, a person can lose 2-5% of their muscle mass in one decade from the age of 30. When you are 40, you burn 200 calories less than 30. And as you know, more calories always means more fat and more weight.

However, there are other reasons for the weight gain brought on by age.

Decreased hormone production

Hormone activity changes with age. In both women and men, hormone production decreases.  A woman enters menopause at about age 50, and at age 35 there is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone production.

In men, on the other hand, the amount of testosterone decreases by 1% per year from the age of 30. This hormone prevents weight gain, and when it is less, the result is, of course, an increase in pounds.

Lack of exercise

Prevention of weight gain due to aging with strength training

Over the years, many people stop exercising. In this case, weight gain is inevitable, as more fat can accumulate. So you should continue with your exercise routine or at least stay active.

Tips to prevent weight gain with age

Now, here are a few key points to make sure that a higher age doesn’t mean a lot of extra pounds for you. In any case, you should ask a professional for help in reviewing the situation.

  • Muscle mass must be maintained. Remember that fat burns fewer calories than muscle.  That’s why it’s very important that you do things that challenge muscle tissue – both to develop and maintain it.
  • Include high protein in your diet. This helps to repair and grow muscles.
  • Pay attention to the total number of calories you get. Every calorie counts, and candies and industrial products are a great source – avoid these or keep their intake in moderation.
  • Don’t forget your diet! The goal should be healthiness, so look for healthy recipes, and if you eat out, choose portions that are rich in vegetables. You need to figure things out and keep your habits good.

As you can see, the solution to the extra weight brought on by age is not very difficult. If your diet is already healthy, keep doing the same, but with more effort and control. If you already exercise a lot, add strength training to your routine.

It is important to take more care of yourself as you age. After all, personal health is the key to a good life.

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