Reporting A Violent Partner

Get rid of an abusive partner. True love does not involve any kind of beating and you deserve better. In this article, you’ll get tips on how to report an abusive partner.
Reporting a violent partner

Reporting on a violent partner seems easy when it happens to someone else. When that happens to you, you may come up with all sorts of excuses for a violent person. These excuses prevent you from making healthy decisions and ending a relationship.

In this article, we’ll give you tips to help you leave a violent relationship.

Reporting a violent partner

There are many options and resources available today to report a violent partner. However, many people are still reluctant to do so.

Here are four tips to help you protect yourself and your children from domestic violence.

1. Call 112

reporting an abusive partner

The reported number of cases of domestic violence has increased with the help of the emergency number and other hotlines.

Do you have questions about a violent relationship and your possible involvement? Don’t know what you would do?

Do not hesitate, call the emergency number. That number leaves no trace on your phone bill, and you shouldn’t be afraid to use it.

You can also call the helpline. It is also open 24 hours, so there is always someone on site who can help you.

They will tell you what you should do and where to go and provide spiritual support.

2. Rely on healthy family, friends and professionals

When you live in a violent relationship, you usually don’t want to admit it. It is very possible that you have already heard about it from your friends, family, or some professional (such as a tutor, teacher, religious leader, and so on).

They may have told you that this person is not good for you and that you should leave him. Deep down you know they are right, but…

People who love you want your best. The same professionals will help you. They try to open your eyes to what you can’t see or what you refuse to see.

Remember, you are never alone. There is a whole network of people who are concerned about you and want to help, whether they are family members, friends or professionals.

3. Think about your children

While you may be paralyzed by fear, protecting children is a good reason to defend yourself from an abusive partner.

Often you don’t even notice how harmful such situations are to children. This is a situation that is often talked about in articles about child abuse. However, your excuses that your partner claims to love you often lead to you forgetting the harm you have done to your children.

Children may not experience physical violence directly. However, it is very traumatic for a person to observe or hear someone attacking their parent verbally or physically.

So if you are hesitant to report an abusive partner, ask yourself:

  • Is this the kind of environment I want my children to grow up in?
  • Am I happy with this daily situation?
  • Why do I agree to stay in this toxic relationship that could harm my children?
  • Do I really care more about my partner than my children?

4. Act and report on the abusive partner

The fourth tip is to act, just as you would advise others to do, to report a violent partner.

What would you do if your sister or best friend were in a similar situation? Wouldn’t you tell them they should leave and make a report?

You would do it yourself without thinking twice.

Of course, seeing the damage is easier when it happens to someone else. It is therefore essential to seek help and support from family, friends and professionals. It helps you get a different perspective.

Don’t suffer quietly

reporting an abusive partner

Thanks to hotlines for domestic violence, the number of reports has increased. However, there is still much work to be done on reporting violence.

While reporting of domestic violence is on the rise, there is also a lack of complaints.

How many times does a person seriously injure – even kill – their partner before conflicts are reported? How many times have you heard or lived near a home where children end up being harmed by the consequences of domestic violence between these parents?

Fear, lack of information, and brutal violence really make it very difficult for the victim to be able to act.

The abuser’s common method is also to isolate his partner from healthy relationships. The abuser isolates the victim from family, friends, or anyone who can make him realize what is happening.

If you notice signs of violence in another person, it is important not to ignore it. Report it. Do it even if the battered person denies it, as often he is not even aware of it. Besides, most of the time he may live in fear and his low self-esteem prevents him from defending himself.

We hope this article made you more aware that help is available. Also stop inventing excuses like “I don’t know what to do” or “no one helps me though”.

Help is always available. You just have to ask for it.

If you and your child are in a bad situation, ask for help. Leaving a toxic situation reveals a world where peace and happiness are real and within your reach. They become a reality that starts with you acting and defending yourself.

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